What do you have with me woman?

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

Happy day to all my friends from Steemit and my brothers from the HeartChurch community, today I want to share a very special topic so that they may be full of faith and hope, I know that we are going through difficult times throughout the world, economic, political and social problems.

We have also been surprised by a pandemic that has not yet been eradicated. My intention is not to create a paradigm or a religious dogma I have always wanted my community to be open, representative, the issue of religion is sometimes very conflictive, as I have. said in previous publications for me, Jesus was not and is not a religion simply a lifestyle, the things that I write I do from my own experience, I had the grace since I was a child to understand the scriptures and their revelation of a Supernaturally and so far it has been the best thing that has happened to me, through my walk with God, today I can help and bless the lives of many.

One of my favorite passages that I always carry in my mind and heart is that of the wedding in Cana, sometimes we read and believe that what it says is so literal, but while reading this story I was able to understand two important things: The first is the faith that Maria had and how sure she was of the identity of Jesus. And the second, that God never leaves his children ashamed, and those children who believe him even in the midst of the impossible.

Let's read:

The wedding at Caná
2 On the third day a wedding was held in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there.
2 And Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.
3 And when there was no wine, the mother of Jesus said to him, They have no wine.
4 Jesus said to her, What have you got with me, woman? My hour has not yet come.
5 His mother said to those who served, "Do whatever I tell you."
6 And there were six stone jars for water, according to the rite of purification of the Jews, in each of which could fit two or three jugs.
7 Jesus said to them: Fill these jars with water. And they filled them to the top.
8 Then he said to them, Bring out now, and bring him to the steward. And they took it away.
9 When the steward tasted the water made into wine, without knowing where it was from, even though the servants who had drawn the water knew, he called her husband,
10 and said to him: Every man serves good wine first, and when they have already drunk much, then the inferior one; but you have reserved the good wine until now.
11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

I don't know how many times I have read this passage, and how many times I have preached it, but because I think it is the beginning of God's wedding with humanity, Mary was the biological mother of Jesus, she knew that Jesus was the messiah, too I knew it was God, there is a time for each event, it is said that everything that happens on earth first happens in heaven, even so, she tells her son, three words: there is no wine, what surprises me is Jesus' attitude when answering her: What have you got with me, woman? My time has not yet come- it is true, the hour of Christ's ministry had not come but Mary knew that Jesus would not leave her ashamed, because God honors the faith of his children, another important point is that she had confidence in him he was going to do so he left everything in his hands. Note that when Jesus calls her woman it is because he is recognizing her as a daughter because she first recognized him as God.

Some time ago I always asked God in my prayers for a miracle that I needed, my insistence was so great every day that I did not receive an answer from God, one night I fell asleep reading the word in this verse and I dreamed that God told me: What do you have a woman with me?

There I understood that my prayer was going to be answered, because God will never despise a heart full of faith, that's why I encourage you on this day that just as Maria was at that time kairos and brought a miracle to earth, so will you and I have the grace to obtain greater things at this time, a time where faith will make a difference, hope will create expectations and love will cover all faults.

This is the time to cross barriers, and for our water to be transformed into the most exquisite wine.
My hope is that all people find in HeartChurch a true home heart, one that does not judge, that grows hand in hand with the brother, who loves his neighbor and provides comfort and food to the needy, which helps to heal wounds and bless the earth, because above all things kept, we keep the heart, because life springs from it.




 4 years ago 

Christ attended that wedding and by his presence demonstrated how honorable marriage is in God's eyes. And it is very important to remember this in the times in which we live, because to a large extent our modern society is crumbling because of its disregard for the divine institution of marriage.

Where I am from "Nigeria" what cause crisis most is religion, the northern parts are Christian while other parts are mixed, both Christian and Muslim and that is one of the reason why citizens still lacks and suffers. Once we live in Love and understanding, religion may be differ but Love should win, God even cherish love, good works than Religion

Our faith in Jesus Christ can take us to places where our strength or intellect can't. Thank you for sharing this. I appreciate.

i am really inspired by this, indeed by faith we can move mountains thanks for sharing.