Change the world by your example, not your opinion.
This to me means take action, be the agent of change that you seek. On social media today, you find so many people who are not afraid to air their views and give their opinions about things that are going on around them or the world at large. Now while I'm not condemning this, speaking louder, or longer, on a subject will not change either their view or the view of others.
So to cut the long story short, here's the deal: for you to make the magic happen, DO SOMETHING. TAKE ACTION. BE AN EXAMPLE. No matter how small you think the action you're taking is, if you start now, you can change not just your world, but the world for those around you as well.
I'll leave you with this awesome quote by Mahatma Gandhi:
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
Actions speaks louder than words. Noted