Trump Unleashes Confusing Tirade About Plastic Straws

in #news5 years ago

Trump Unleashes Confusing Tirade About Plastic Straws

--Donald Trump unleashes a confusing tirade about plastic straws

Why is he mad about straws?


One thing I'm worried about is fatigue; big solutions losing political capital, as a result of small scale measures that cut deeply into people's everyday experience making them feel like they're already doing a whole lot, when in reality, they're doing very little.

Of course that's a slice of 3-dimensional chess, but I'm getting a bit mad when straws and plastic bags are front and center, when the real issue is achieving climate neutrality in energy production and transportation.

It's a piece of the old story of the poor and the middle class getting loaded with the burden of funding the government, when large corporations are getting tax cuts, creating more political capital for "tax cuts!... just not for you".

It's a commendable move, however, as it creates incentives to innovate in a changing market. Perhaps a few years from now, those paper straws won't turn to mush so quickly anymore, for example. One of the finer points of social democracy.

this is a real concern.

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