Another Study Warns About Catastrophic Consequences of Implementing Geoengineering

A new study has reaffirmed the potential risks to planetary biodiversity if solar geoengineering programs are implemented and suddenly stopped.
In a recently published study, researchers with Yale University, Rutgers University and the University of Maryland offer a warning against the sudden starting or stopping of controversial geoengineering programs. The researchers warn that efforts to inject aerosols into the atmosphere to combat climate change may end up causing more harm to wildlife, the environment, and humanity. The study, “Potentially dangerous consequences for biodiversity of solar geoengineering implementation and termination,” was originally accepted by the journal Nature in November 2017 and published online on January 22, 2018.
The researchers write:
Solar geoengineering is receiving increased policy attention as a potential tool to offset climate warming. While climate responses to geoengineering have been studied in detail, the potential biodiversity consequences are largely unknown. To avoid extinction, species must either adapt or move to track shifting climates. Here, we assess the effects of the rapid implementation, continuation and sudden termination of geoengineering on climate velocities—the speeds and directions that species would need to move to track changes in climate.
The team found that sudden termination of geoengineering programs “increases both ocean and land temperature velocities to unprecedented speeds” causing “rapid climate fragmentation” in temperate grasslands and forests. Furthermore, the researchers conclude that “rapid geoengineering termination would significantly increase the threats to biodiversity from climate change.” The researchers also state that this change in biodiversity could lead to massive die-offs of certain species.
Geoengineering is a type of weather modification (or climate engineering) which has been researched, but, until recently, has been considered too unpredictable to attempt on a large scale. According to a 2013 congressional report:
The term ‘geoengineering’ describes this array of technologies that aim, through large-scale and deliberate modifications of the Earth’s energy balance, to reduce temperatures and counteract anthropogenic climate change. Most of these technologies are at the conceptual and research stages, and their effectiveness at reducing global temperatures has yet to be proven.
In general, geoengineering technologies are categorized as either a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) method or a solar radiation management (SRM) (or albedo-modification) method. CDR methods address the warming effects of greenhouse gases by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. CDR methods include ocean fertilization, and carbon capture and sequestration. SRM methods address climate change by increasing the reflectivity of the Earth’s atmosphere or surface. Aerosol injection and space-based reflectors are examples of SRM methods. SRM methods do not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, but can be deployed faster with relatively immediate global cooling results compared to CDR methods.
For the new study, the researchers used fictional models that assume humanity will begin geoengineering in 2020. According to this model, governments begin by injecting aerosols into the atmosphere along the equator. This practice, known as stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), involves attempting to reflect the sun’s light by spraying sulfur and other aerosols into the sky. The researchers discovered that if geoengineering were suddenly stopped after 50 years in 2070 the climate would warm by more than a full degree on land in ten years. According to the study, this would cause an increase in temperature three times faster than if climate change occurs on its own at current predicted levels. This would affect regions with great biodiversity the most, including tropical oceans, the Amazon, Africa, and Eurasia.
Chris Trisos, a researcher with the University of Maryland, told Environmental Research that sudden termination could occur if governments lose the will to continue the programs once it begins. “The rapid temperature increases from a sudden termination of geoengineering would likely outpace the capacity of many species to migrate to cope with the temperature change, increasing extinction risk,” Trisos told Environmental Research. He also warned that the sudden start of geoengineering could lead to a rapid cooling and potentially reverse the environmental damage seen around the planet.
This new study is not the first one to draw attention to the dangers of beginning geoengineering programs. According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, if geoengineering programs were started and then suddenly halted, the planet could see an immediate rise in temperatures, particularly over land. Another study published in February 2015 by an international committee of scientists stated that geoengineering techniques are not a viable alternative to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat the effects of climate change. The committee report called for further research and understanding of various geoengineering techniques, including carbon dioxide removal schemes and solar-radiation management before implementation. The scientists found that SRM techniques are likely to present “serious known and possible unknown environmental, social, and political risks, including the possibility of being deployed unilaterally.”
In addition, in late October 2016, the United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity released a report examining the problems of geoengineering and whether or not humanity will be forced to employ the practice in an attempt to halt climate change. The report, Update On Climate Geoengineering In relation to the Convention on Biological Diversity: Potential Impacts and Regulatory Framework, found that geoengineering “would reduce the impacts of climate change on biodiversity at the global level,” but also cause unpredictable rain and temperature distribution on the local level.
The U.N. report states that the effectiveness of geoengineering is “uncertain” and “in reducing the scale of one problem, other new problems would be created. Thus, there would also be risk of the geoengineering action also contributing to other drivers affecting biodiversity loss and ecosystem integrity.” The U.N. concluded that although SRM may possibly slow the loss of Arctic sea ice, but not without “unacceptable climatic impacts elsewhere.” One particular method of SRM involves injecting aerosols into the atmosphere via airplanes. The study found that the use of sulphur aerosols for SRM would be associated with a risk of stratospheric ozone loss. There is also a risk that stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) would have a small impact on climate change but could lead to negative impacts on biodiversity.
Why are scientists and governments continuing to push this dangerous technology in the name of saving mankind from climate change?
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Good post!
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"ordo ab Chao" order out of chaos,"they"are polluting and changing the climate for various of them is so "they"can say climate change is real.🤔
First it was the "greenhouse effect" then "global warming", then when that couldn't be substantiated (((they))) changed it to "climate change". Well this winter has been the coldest i can remember for a while, the last ten or so winters have been v mild, this winter is back to how they used to be when i went to school. Lots of frosty mornings. So perhaps "adapt 2030" on youtube is right and we are now entering "Global Cooling" just to really confuse everyone... lol
Our humanly senses tell us the ill effects of geoengineering. It is good to see that scientists have given us empirical data to prove it. Thanks for the info.
They want to kill us in a big scale.
the climate would warm by more than a full degree on land in ten years
What a horrible..
In other news..
Temperature in Denver plummets 72 degrees in 40 hours,
learn the difference between climate and weather
oh yeah..
here in baja oklahoma the highs in the summer are 115 the winter it gets to zero (rarely) degree temp swing in a that weather?
When I spend some time listening to Dane Wigington, I get a lot of clarity on this topic.. Seriously, Dane Wigington if you have not already. It will be difficult but you will be glad you did it.
What I don't understand, is that the same people told us that aerosols were evil and created a giant hole in the ozone. Now they want to use aerosols to 'fix' the problem? I am obviously missing something here...please explain someone
There is a lot of propaganda out there.. It is lies. Governments want to control populations in how they think (how well they can think), how or if they can grow food, GMO modified seeds, etc.. There are many agendas, but in my view if it is friendly to population control corporations can have their way in this world even at the expense of life. Off topic, but some US history will help. Try James Corbett: "Why Big Oil Conquered the World" ..
Hey James, Thanks for the reply. I have watched both parts of that documentary, and all of the work from James Corbett. I was just pointing to the direct hypocrisy of the ozone theories and now the geoengineering agenda.
Apologies .. Yea it is hypocrisy. I did hear the particles can cause high-altitude pollution and interfere with O3 formation (reduced ozone). They report droughts, high UV readings, and burnt vegetation in California which could all be aggravated by increased UV and heat getting through thinning ozone. I'm watchful of information bias, but here is a case where we have main stream media sources reporting the exact opposite of what we are witnessing (if one has eyes to see it).
Some aspects of the material sited reminds me of the border control debate:
Like the population affected by removing a boarder, the environment affected by stopping GE is a complex self-healing system. People tend to get fearful of the change (repercussions) and worry about the cost involved in fixing the problem. Assuming this is valid it means one thing: warn people about such a change.
Fear or concerns for the repercussions is not a justification for leaving a problem of this magnitude in place. We need to make it right ASAP and deal with the fall out and just get it over with. If a problem is left in place the solution will never be realized. So I am very leary of reports that warns against stopping something bad if they are not completely clear that stopping it should be done first and foremost. In essence, no one is smart enough to model or calculate system this complex. The best thing we can do is always move forward and do the right thing making sure to always put out warnings so people can prepare and make the best of it. This is the fastest way to get to the solution.
Thanks for bringing this material together. I like to have a clear view of how this will go. GE needs to be stopped anywhere we can and keep it out of our lives it is a crime. The environment will adjust. I'm really looking forward to more of your posts!
I'm almost disappointed. Before I go into the details of my 'disappointment', thank you so much for this well-researched article. It gives steemit depth.
From my secondary school days up till today, there has been so much talk about climate change and green house effect. So much, I came to the conclusion nothing will ever really be done about it.
I actually thought government and science will go the noble route- afforestation and other non-invasive and natural ways of combating climate change. Honestly? I don't see anything good coming out of geoengineering. Like this article pointed out, maintaining it for the long term will be exhausting as well as expensive.
Man has tampered with nature so much nothing is 'sacred' anymore.
My two cents.