in #community7 years ago (edited)

You know, it is not God's desire to conceal but to reveal. The word revelation means "unveiling."
God is involved in this Community.

The STEEMJET community is built on a very solid foundation and will remain so forever.

As this logo is unveiled today, it's accompanied with lots of good things.

This community will affect your life in such a way that you'll wanna worship it.I don't mean to brag, but you'll testify....

All thanks to @dimimp for his positive vibes, this won't be possible without him.

Now, I present to you the OFFICIAL STEEMJET LOGO.

The black background
Steemjet 2.png

The black and faded white background
Steemjet 3.png

Powered by @dimimp
Courtesy: @deandaniel



@deandaniel deserves a steembath for this emotion inspiring minimalist masterpiece. The simplicity of the color scheme plus hard jet lines contrasted against the steem curved logo is perfect. My only request for a change is if you could remove the "powered by dimimp" and "courtesy of deandaniels" words, then I will grant you $1000 in upvotes for your work which has inspired me in ways that I will be telling you about soon. The steemjet community is making so much progress, that I am now working harder than ever before just to match your efforts! By the way, both designs are superb and their uniqueness will be applied in their proper application. Also, if you liked this competition, then check this one out:

Black and white steemjet logo competition.

Winner gets another $1k upvotes.

It would seem that @deandaniel is going to be the heavy favorite, but so what, he deserves it.

Here's the updated logo boss..
Logo Boy.png

Wow we would start working on the logo designs right away but i have already made a post about our initiative with this logo
Here is the post

this is my entry for the black and white steemjet logo initiative..
I guess am the first to make the post.
Link: https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@sheriffakin/black-and-white-steemjet-logo-competition-92b95d9d2eb3e

Hi @dimimp,

It seems you got a $12.5155 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (20.8h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

Do you need some variations of this logo? I can make some if you need

I'm gonna be up for this.

My second design of the logo is already giving me a sleepless night.
I'll suprise the steemjet community with my wonderful design this time.

Don't think I forgot you @empato365. I will hit you with some upvotes too for that debit card graphic you made. Don't hesitate to post anything, and I won't hesitate to hit you with the upvotes. Well, I might have to hesitate today because I'm pretty burned out after @deandaniel hit me with his masterpiece, but I will steem you empato, I promise. A Lannister always pays his debts!

Be creative, don't feel like you need to work off of anyone else's ideas. Add, augment, re-invent, re-create, or invent something totally new, it is always up to you here now in the future.

Hi @dimimp,

It seems you got a $10.0124 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (23.99h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

Hello boss
I just introduced our great goal curriculum to the steemit community
Guess you'd love to check this out

I'm so happy with you boss.
I'm still designing the logo for the logo you proclaimed. I'm just hoping I will win the $1k dollar becausr I know
''A lanister always pays his debt'' Tyrion Lanister @dimimp is gonna pay his debt😉😍

Take your time and make it good, and I will hit you with some upvotes. MAke it great and you will win the $1k upvote grand prize

Thanks boss.
I'll sure make you proud with a great design

OK boss..
You are superb yourself, or should I say unique..
I really do appreciate what you've done.

As for the adjustments, am on it right away..

Fantastic, take your time, I mean it. Don't rush, relax and just be creative. Thank you. The art of the black and white is in the maximum contrast which creates hard lines that strike the retina and brands in that steem logo. It will take me at least a couple weeks to hit you with the $2k upvotes I will owe you. But don't worry, because a Lannister always pays his debts.

Hi @dimimp,

It seems you got a $10.2905 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (23.88h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

OK boss. I'll do just as you say.

you inspire me alot.

If it takes you a year, I will understand completely. I never get between an artist and their work. I will pay you the $2k upvotes in advance because of your performance. I should be ready to launch in a couple weeks, but the black and white logo will not be required for launch. Again take as much time as you need my friend, an d thank you for taking this initiative seriously. I am getting excited for the launch. I'm going to do a post to let everyone know.

OK boss.. I will do as you say.
I should be the one thanking you, this won't be possible without you boss.. Thanks so much.
can't wait for the lunch..

@deandaniel you are a chunk full of talent, you doing a good work.

So what's next after this competition?

Am done done boss..
The community needs it, couldn't wait a year before doing my job. Lol



for your success @deandaniel and @dimimp. keep it up

Thanks alot..

But don't worry, because a Lannister always pays his debts.

I love your words @dimimp.

Thank you sir for the opportunity. Here is my entry for the black and white STEEMJET logo competition.
Link: https://steemit.com/steemjet/@dimix3/the-steemjet-initiative-is-flying-logo-competition-steemjet-project

wow you are amazing @dimimp .you are inspiring us

Is would participate so you can still decide which best looks fit, so we can carry this project on a good pace

Thanks sir for the opportunity..Its one way to encourage creativity..I sure hope I come up with something nice.

Wow. You have done a nice job. You did this so perfect that even when someone without knowledge of "SteemJet" Looks at the logo, within few seconds the person will get the interpretation just by mere looking at the logo. It says alot about the project esp the steem oozing out from the jet.

Jets are always known for speed and now it's take off time Let's Fly so High.
But before we fly, let's Wait for the evaluation and go ahead order of @dimimp the head pilot and @deandaniel the assistant pilot of this initiative

Thanks so much man..

This is so awesome @deandaniel, creativity at its best.

The sky is only our stepping stone bro

You can say that again bro. Forward Ever.

We are entering hyperspace

Everyone can now fly with the vision. Let's do this together.

Yeah, the logo will be a beacon of hope

Bravo, the sky is our limit @deandaniel...this is nice.

Wow, @dimimp proposed, @deandaniel disposed!
@deandaniel, I do commend you for the excellent job done, never knew you would come out so fast with the logo proposal by @dimimp, I appreciate your being committed and hard-work.
Bless you bro.
Let's see what @dimimp has got to say about this!

Amen.. Bless u too man..
Let's wait for our boss reaction.


The boss is really happy , isn't that true @dimimp?

This is so amazing. I'm in love with @dimimp passion about this.

Nigga this is really cool
Nice logo indeed
@dimimp more achievements to this, we've got your back thumbs up
@deandaniel nice work here

Tnx man

I agree with you man

Nice concept..write the vision, make it plain, so that those who see it can run with it...This logo is an obvious statement of the vision. Everyone can run with it... Nice work brov. Nice post

So true. We would walk in accordance to the vision, so that we dont go astray

With collective effort and hardwork. The vision is achievable

Yeah. True. Everyone can run with it but with the help of steemjet, Everyone can fly with it

@dimimp if you will permit me to suggest, I will suggest the launch of a steemjet tag all together with our logo cos this will help boost the community.

Using the tag #Steemjet will be the best just like I used it here https://steemit.com/steemjet/@udembahenry/anticipating-steemjet-get-ready-to-join in a post I made yesterday telling people about steemjet initiative and telling them to get ready to join. In the post I used steemjet as my main tag.

Yh its great.

This will also be a way of streamlining the content provided by members and supporting newbies via curation.

Yeah i think creating a tag should be one of the next things on our agenda

Wow the tag is a great idea

Wow. This is a wonderful logo. Nice concept, nice design, nice colours.

I love most especially the steem fumes. What a thoughtful thing you did there.

Well done @deandaniel, thanks @dimimp for the opportunity.

🚀It's takeoff time. 🚀

Thanks @tolustx

Yeah, he paid attention to the fumes as suggested and that's what really grabbed my attention

Yeah @tolustx, the design is captivating

Yeah... made it look unique!

Good to see that you've been successful in coming up with the STEEM JET logo which really carries on the symbol and projects the message effectively.

Also, it's also good to see that you paid special attention to details and tried to create it just the way he said it.

I tell you what, @dimimp will be so proud of you.

Let's wait for his evaluation.

Thumbs up!

thanks so much @enolife

He sure will be proud.
Great work @deandaniels

Yea true, lets wait for his evaluation. He will like it.

Yes, I'm sure he will

You are so certain because the logo looks really good..Nice work

I've known @dimimp to be a lover and appreciator of good works, hard work so he's sure gonna love this.

I must admit he did a great job, see the steem oozing out.

You are very right @enolife. He did it so perfect that everything on the logo says much about the name steemjet. @deandaniel you have done so well. Nice job

Yeah now that, that is done we shouod focus on the next stage

Indeed this is an excellent piece of art

Anticipating his approval

Am sure he'll like it

He did a very excellent job.

Kudos to him

Yeah agreed, this is really a brave step.

This is great bro
The design is superb and loved by all.
steemjet on the Go
Something @dimimp will live to remember

you know it @empato, that due to the profound nature of the design. A very funny and true statement indeed. I apprediate your design efforts as well.

Hi @dimimp,

It seems you got a $12.2374 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (21.09h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

Awwn thank you very much.
I'm so happy to work with you

Yeah, lol....nice

We will let @dimimp speak for himself.

Lol. Live to remember. Funny.

Live to remember. Hmmm let him comment on it first


Hahaha That's a funny statement

Lol I'm sure that didn't come out right

Great logo. I like the color and nice design. Maybe you could have added some other coins on the background going behind steem

Nice suggestion
But the logo shouldn't look complicated

You are very correct sir...Simplicity is a key to understanding and communicating.

Yeah, it's a beautiful design

I agree with this... it's about Steem and steemit!
Why talk about BTC, LTC or Nano our competitors???

Because our steemjet curriculum will teach reality. Life is competition. Crypto is competition. Knowing the enemy is a key art of war, and this is why Ned continues to fight the competition with SMT's. We must face reality and danger and problems if we hope to win. Steem mass adoption will not be easy just because steem is free to send. Other factors covered in the steemjet curriculum will help us all understand and visualize exactly where steem is needed in our lives and why it is the best tool for certain jobs but might not be for others. Knowing your own limitations is key and a good show of honesty to get others to join us.

Hi @dimimp,

It seems you got a $11.2639 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (21.57h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

reading through this again, I see your commitment towards the project. I am sure going to grab a front seat when it kicks off.

By the way, @dimimp, since I'm not a top notch designer but mostly an idea guy, I was hoping if I could be commissioned to come up with any idea that would help the Steemjet project.

What do you have? Good ideas get paid. Feel free to contribute and I will do my best to recognise them and provide the steem. We will have lots of time together in the future to collaborate

I will wait for the release of the 4 parts. There are always suggestions to be made.

Wow...Thats it...undertanding where steem can be applied in our daily lives and why it is the most effective tool for some jobs...Thanks sir for the work and considerations you are embedding into developing the Steemjet curriculum.

You made valuable points... I must agree with you, "we must face reality and danger and problems if we hope to win.

Fear not for we have a versatile horse in the race which is steem. My 4 part educational series will shine a little more light. The race will not be easy, but steem is a formidable force. You will see in the curriculum.

Ok boss! Your assurance is overwhelming. I believe in Steem! Am sure you already have everything worked out... Looking forward to seeing the curriculum

When the light comes, the fear in the dark flees...We trust that the educational series would shine insights that would enable us to overcome in the midst of the difficulties.

Yeah this is circle of life, and we need to make steem to be part of it.

Man, you are really serious about this. Great to see!

Knowing the enemy is a key art of war, and this is why Ned continues to fight the competition with SMT's. We must face reality and danger and problems if we hope to win.

This is why kings landing is still undefeated.

I agree with you, we are not promoting btc and other alt coins here

Some other coin?.
You know the name is steemjet for the purpose of promoting the steemit community too.

maybe if the name was "crptojet" the design could have been that wsy u asked right now let's keep it that way the bodd @dimimp demanded

@profchydon, what logo will the coin(s) be carrying? You got my question?

steemjet SMT?

Hi @dimimp,

It seems you got a $11.1249 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (21.6h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

Yeah nice suggestion, make use of LTC, BTC and others likely to fit on nice design.

Separate logo suggesting dominance over competitors, I like it.

Hi @dimimp,

It seems you got a $10.8468 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (21.62h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

There can never be too many variations you know :D

true, yes, it is important to never limit ourselves

@dimimp I posted some logo ideas if you want to see :)

Unless you mean steem leaving the other coins behind and taking off.

That's what I took from the idea

Hi @dimimp,

It seems you got a $10.7077 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (21.63h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

The logo design is just ok in regards to steem and the initiative steem jets, we are not doing a general crypto currency logo

SteemJet for Steem is the message... I believe :)

It's ok this way, simple but delivers a powerful message.

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