🌄 ADVENTURES 21 - Sailing (Thailand) - Life on a boat

in GEMS5 years ago


By now, my crew and I had been on a number of day trips as well as an overnight journey. The culmination of our course was to plan and complete a 3 day sailing adventure.


We had to plan the provisions and we took turns cooking. It's a challenge cooking in the tight space, but the crew enjoyed the cheese burgers I made!


Accidents happen, but thankfully one of our crew was a medic and he bandaged me up when I cut my foot open.


Another night, another beautiful sunset in Thailand.


While we were anchored at night, we could see hundreds of squid boats on the water.


At dawn we set sail for the next part of our journey. Join me in my next adventure, coming soon!


Special Thanks

Cook With Us Recipe Book

@pandamama @offoodandart @merej99 @cookwithus

The GEMS Community

@bluemist @appreciator

Daily photo challenge

@czechglobalhosts @appics

And YOU!


Have a nice trip Deimus and becareful with your feet

Haha, I will definitely in future!

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