I Samuel 25: 6 "Peace be with you, with your family and with all that you have"

in #steemchurch7 years ago


The message of God for human beings. It is a message of peace and it is complete, because it is the peace of God that affects all spheres of our life. Not only personal peace, but also peace and family peace refer to even material things. The natural man wants peace, but the order of his search is totally opposite.

Start the search for your peace through material things, the security of a job, the comfort of a home, the enjoyment of my family. God's order is extension from inside to outside. Many times we fail to enjoy that peace, because we keep walking wrong.

God always seeks the individual and the peace of God in the individual is then reflected in the things that surround him. If there is a lack of peace in the family and in the things you have, begin to examine how your relationship with God is going, where you failed, at what point does Satan get discouraged, where your individual laxity began, for surely that is where it is. the reason, where everything started.

Ask the Lord to solve the problem. Maybe there is some sin that is bothering you, that was not confessed to the Lord and you need repentance. Do it, repent and then get away from what has made you fall, because the promise of God is:

"He who conceals his sin will not prosper, but whoever confesses it and departs will obtain mercy", Proverbs 28:13.


Then you will see how the inner peace of your soul is restored and your joy will begin to flood you again. If there is no peace in the family, you must follow the same process, see where the family has failed in its relationship with God as a Family, look for the problem and try to solve it with the help of God.

Perhaps there are problems in the relationship of the spouses, problems of character, whims, pride, selfishness, comfort, complaints. All this has a solution when we allow the Holy Spirit to examine us and reveal our problem with humility.


When the lack of peace is due to the absence of material goods, we must remember that God does not forsake his children. The joy and gratitude for what we have will open the doors of what we want. This is contentment.

John 16:33
I have told you these things so that they may find peace in me. In this world you will face afflictions, but be encouraged! I have overcome the world.


Beautiful message from Bible. Thanks for sharing.

Very good biblical passage, teaches us to be calm in peace and in union with all, blessings

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