The Diary Game, 24 Agustus 2020

in whalepower5 years ago

PicsArt_08-24-10.51.34.jpg Our place to gain knowledge

Morning greets calmly today. My enthusiasm to get out of my favorite bed has also reached its limit. Now is the time for me to get ready to go to work. I don't know why today I wake up too early, that's why I took the time to pray at dawn before I take a shower.

My house clock shows 05.30, it's time to take a shower and get ready to fulfill my obligation as a student. As usual, I didn't take a shower too long, just 15 minutes. It was different from my sister, bathing like teenage girls. Take a long time. Take a shower, it's time to check the contents of the bag. Items or books that I don't immediately put into my bag with the POLO logo on it.

The sun began to appear, I looked at the large wall clock. It was 6:20 a.m., I had finished showering and was getting ready to go to college. As usual, I waited for my father to go to school because I usually went with my father. While waiting for my father to get ready, I had breakfast first. This morning's menu is like the previous days, namely a bowl of Indomie with a boiled egg on top. It looks delicious, but I'm bored with the menu.

Time is running out. Birds chirping began to buzz in the ears. The sunlight began to penetrate my glass. After everything was ready, I immediately went to college with my father using the old motorcycle. A loyal motorcycle has accompanied my father's career until now. Even though he is old, his charisma is quite big like the wearer. My mother has also said that the motorbike is older than me, even my brother. The motorbike raced without hesitation across the highway, driving me to campus. Glad I rode that bike.

PicsArt_08-24-10.51.15.jpg A place to hang out during breaks

I arrived at campus. Going through my routine as a student and filling my teenage time with studying or laughing with my friends. Lesson after lesson passed and finally break time arrived.

The time I always wait with friends. Every time I break, I always go to the food stall. You could say a hangout place. The shop is not far from my study unit, the place is quite comfortable and crowded. You could say today is my unlucky day. On the Cheek compass, my friend. And made fun of friends. O Allah, how long will this last?

Even though it's unlucky today, I'm happy. Can chat with friends. Do not look at boys or girls. All in one. That's the thing I like the most. Hang out not picky and don't look at the person's degree. Feeling at peace inside. You could say that lately I'm closer to male friends than girls.

PicsArt_08-24-10.50.31.jpg Learning atmosphere

Until finally we finished hanging out and returned to the study room with a close friend of mine who often accompanied me on days either at the village or at home, because he often played at my house in free times.

After finishing studying with my lecturer today, I returned home with a friend who was close to my house, because it was a bit too long to wait for my father to come home from school, so I chose to go home with my friend.

When I got home, I immediately took a shower and prayed Zuhr because the time had come since we were on our way home from campus, after I prayed, I immediately took a nap and I fell asleep until I woke up at Asr.

I got up and prayed Asr, then I went out and turned on the water pump to water some of the secondary crops that I planted around the fence of my house.

One of my experiences that happened today. There are hard and there are happy. Many meanings conveyed in an incident today. And this is "My Story Today". A piece of experience that I want to share with you.

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