New Steem, Tribes and Beyond: Moving Forward... with INTEGRITY or GREED?
So here we are, in the world of #NewSteem!
The metaphorical paint is barely dry and the metaphorical dust probably hasn't settled... but at least the fundamentals seem to be in working order. And that already puts us light years ahead of the HF.20 debacle of last September.
So kudos to those who worked diligently to keep this whole affair from becoming complete chaos!
Summer flowers from our garden....
So... What Happens Now?
I suppose it's going to be a few weeks before anyone can actually take stock and start assessing how the changes are affecting different user groups.
To be honest, I'm not too worried about any of it! I'm not even particularly worried about the price of Steem...
For the time being, my primary concern lies in figuring out which handful of "tribes" make the most sense to me, and then putting some effort into tailoring content to those.
Because I don't really want to get into the "write to order" business again, I am largely going to stick with those that actually interest me, and that would be my recommendation to pretty much anyone who asks: "What INTERESTS you?" which follows from the old writing truism "write what you KNOW."
For me, that's art and creativity, photography, business/solopreneurship, some investing, psychology, and writing about writing.
The fruits of our labor? In this case, the fruit of our apricot tree...
Making Honest Choices...
I realize it's both easy and tempting to latch on to any and all groups that issue a token and distribute an airdrop... but can anyone really hope to keep up with all that?
Last I checked, my Steem-Engine wallet contained 33 different tokens, and even though not all of them can be "staked," there's still no way in hell I could hope to keep up with that many.
A few weeks back, I set the (at the time arbitrary) limit that I'd possibly be part of five communities... and even that would be stretching it. Going back to what I said before, I am trying to just be honest about what interests me, and limit myself to that.
In the end, I think we are better off putting more effort into a few things, than putting token effort into a lot of things. Seems to me the better payoff would be in discernment, and being selective... rather than just trying to grab every single fraction of a cent someone tosses your way.
What's your choice going to be? Move forward with integrity? Or with greed?
Purple flowers in the sun...
Curation and Interaction
As I understand it, a part of the philosophy behind #NewSteem and HF.21 is to make manual curation more attractive again. Personally? I like the underlying idea because it seems like it would support better content being rewarded. And getting seen.
But I guess we won't know for sure, until a few weeks or months have passed...
But one of the things I like about the whole "Tribes" thing is that it tends to pre-sort content, and breaks it down into more manageable chunks for the purpose of content discovery. Sure, there will always be so-called "tag abuse," but it seems like it would be easier to spot when content is broken up by subcommunity.
And I also admire the fact that quite a few tribe founders are instituting various types of content moderation and curation.
Some might argue that such flies in the face of the "freedom" of blockchains... BUT... let me ask you this: If you decided to be part of the local fishing club, would you REALLY want to have a bunch of people there who wanted to usurp the club's discussions with knitting patterns?
It's funny how many people say things like "Well, when you put it THAT way..." before agreeing that some controls can be a good thing.
Well, I DO put it "that" way!
And now? Time for me to get back to my "selection process" on the tribal front! Sound kind of "formal?" I guess it is... but I think having a plan is not necessarily a bad thing.
Hope you are all having a great week!
(Another #creativecoin creative non-fiction post)
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 190827 22:05 PDT
Happy to read you are satisfied. Posting via the tribes is not possible for me it atill gives "intern errors". I also have no notifications so this will be a quiet day.
Editing a post seems not always to work but the good news is we all are (25) since the moment HF21 started.
So far I only use 5 different tags for the tribes and do nothing with the tokens.
Steem-engine is no help to me on my mobile and causes problems.
I have no intention to hunt more tokens, join everything it is also not of my interest (these subjects).
I have been reading for hours here yesterday to find 2 good reads to recommend and most of it was too bad for words. I think I will spend less time here and try to be more active elsewhere.
Happy steeming 💕
Posted using Partiko Android
This is what I need to do to network
I don't really put enough people investment into Steemit
As for integrity vs greed?
I'll see if I can't merge the two in enlightened self-interest ;>
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I've been trying to understand what the HF21 will mean ~ But happy to just wait and actually see what happens when I simply more or less continue to do what I love doing at Steemit ie sharing my art and musings with people who appreciate, support and encourage my best ~ As well as enjoying and learning about the lives/work/creativity of others here.
And I really LOVE the summer flowers from your garden. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎
No one knows what will happen after HF21, but at least I have a feeling that we're moving at a right direction...curating with high enough SP is finally attractive, and with the tribes and groups of interests it should be more sensible to do that again :3
But no one will know for now! Maybe just keep on posting until we see the answer...
I think it will come more down to enough time passing for the “new” feeling of the current HF to wear off before we can see how things have changed of any. From a numbers standpoint the HF has changed a considerable amount of things. From a behavior standard we will have to see how it plays out on bid bots and peoples willingness to use them for just “any old thing” they create.
If nothing else tribes are at least another place for people to get rewarded and build up from. I been enjoying a couple myself.
I totally agree with you that there is no way I have the time or energy to put into that many different tokens. I even had my boyfriend jump on for me to sell most of the lot for Steem and stake the few I am interested in since it seems exhausting to even weed through the token end, let alone actually dive into the communities themselves. I'm inclined to think it is a good thing, though, as everyone can find a few that really suite their passions and interests. Should be interesting to see how it all plays out in the end!