Orange Says: "Another Broken Fork? Are You Folks SERIOUS???"

in #newsteem5 years ago

Orange the cat is not entirely pleased with the situation, as you might tell from the expression on his face.

I suppose you could call this a "shitpost" or maybe just a test post, as I poke around at the edges of this #NewSteem. Just sending this through from SteemPeak CreativeCoin to Steemit proper and a number of tribes... just as a matter of curiosity to see what ends up showing where.

What the ?!$%&??? Is this the best we can do?

Many things are broken, and remain "broken." Too many to list...

I honestly don't know what it takes to implement these kinds of changes in a blockchain environment... I only see the aftereffects, and the time it takes before things run normally again.

I don't care about pointing fingers, or anything else like that. Things could have been handled differently... but aren't we always saying that, in this community?

Not interested in dwelling excessively on that... just want to know what is actually functional, because I'll be damned if I'm going to expend a bunch of effort on creating a long detailed post, only to have it end up in the Internet Boneyard.

Please Give Orange a Vote!

Please give Orange a vote, just to let him know that you were actually able to SEE this... from some front end, somewhere. And you were able to actually cast an upvote without getting a screenful of error messages.

Leave a comment, even, just for grins!

I'm sure we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming soon... for the time being, it has now been "two days" since the "New" feed on the Steemit front end last updated; most of the time, SteemConnect can't communicate with the blockchain, so it's difficult to log in anywhere or execute transactions... and there are all manners of other "little bugs" I keep running into...

Hope you're all having as much fun as we are!

Peace, out...

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 190903 01:36 PDT



My cat's sez hi to yore Kat.
I've been gone a while...I kinda expected the HardFuck...I didn't need the stress.
I guess I was right?

Hello matey.

Good to see you're still alive!
Our cat , felix, is no longer. (snake or something bit him on the side of his face, and he died a few days later, poor bugger)

We rescued a gorgeous doggy (stray puppy), who was playing Russian roulette with traffic for two days, so we have her now.
Felix was alive when we got her, and he beat the shit out of her! lol.


I post hardly at all now - I came back yesterday to do a 'real post' - and got blitzed by wankers whales.

I think this place is dying a death of a thousand cuts, tbh.

Would you recommend anywhere else? (not for rewards, but quality of platform?

good to hear from you. sorry to hear about felix.
I'm not posting much either. I'm sitting back and waiting to see how things shake out.

I'm not optimistic.

.....Yeah, it wasn't pretty with him. Nothing to be done, unfortunately.

I've got loads of free time now, so I'm just writing my shit, and no need t worry about rewards as such.

Like you, I'm not too optimistic either.

I joined publisherox (i think that's what its called - but haven't put anything on there, yet)

'rebelwithoutaclue' is my name, if you go on there...(not that there is anything to see yet)

I was able to see it and vote from Palnet and that and busy seem to be working now and again

As requested an upvote for the Orange! So you can conclude that it was posted succesfully and maybe even more scary I was read :)

Voting for Orange! Also, steempeak and busy are up

I don't pretend to know ANYTHING about what goes into making these changes on steem. In fact, I am completely baffled now, just when I was starting to understand a tiny bit. Oh well. I see this post, I upvoted this post. It seems to be working as intended now. Whatever that intent was or is.

I think it comes to what the market can bear. Which for us yes that the best we can do. Blockchain development has a lot of young and unproven talent pools in it. It’s not like they can just plop down $10 million a year per person and scoop up what is available out there. A quarter of a million might get you some former Microsoft layoffs. Otherwise you are out sourcing to cheaper labor markets.

I do wonder what the actual financial impact an hour of down time has. While it might not be a crazy amount for now. For this place to take off these kinds of downtimes just can’t happen. With that would require a lot more redundancy and investment into quickly getting things back up and running.

I think communication could have been handle better. The “we are looking into it” on Twitter with no follow up a few hours later was frustrating. With most people turning to directly to witness for getting anything further than that during the event.

This photo is the reason I do not pick up my phone 1st thing anymore to chek Steemit.......

I know.... I know...... The dirty little pimple bots downvotes, on the Ass of Steemit's Blockchain, do not really amount to anything......... Or does it.?

It is pretty much every post now, one a few back got 5 downvotes...... WTF.!?!

I will post from time to time, to see if the creepy stalker bots are still here. But until the Steemian Powers that be, "Hard Fork" a way to BLOCK & DELETE these Cowardly Trolls, I will be a ghost here.....

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