Smoothie 3D - Make 3D models in minutes from photos

in #steemhunt6 years ago

Smoothie 3D

Make 3D models in minutes from photos


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Hunter's comment

Demo video of modelling a squirrel

Smoothie 3D

This product is a is a completely browser-based 3D modeling programme that consolidate several features that are often strenuous to do in other programs and you can speedily import and handle existing 3D objects and perform actions like embedding text and one of the best feature of this product is the capability to trace an image into multiple parts, then separately control the dimensions and placement of those parts into a 3D model.


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I m going to register and try it out. Good that, they also provide an option to embed the 3d content in an iframe in any site. That way, everyone can create and then put that in their site or other social platforms may be.


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