SEC-S17W2: "A review of the most special food you've eaten in your life"

in Steem For Bangladesh2 months ago



lt is my delight to join week 2 of steemit engagement challenge in the unique community.I am a foodies, weekly l try new healthy recipes and anytime l eat, my mood changes. l have different kind of meals that appeals to me but since this contest require a special meal, lt imply to me that lt should be something unique, toothsome and not a regular meal.

Cooking different kind of delicacies is like a fun to me. Is good that we should know; what, when and how to cook a particular meal. It gives me great joy when I saw this interesting contest and am glad am participating in it.

What is the name of the special food?

The name of my special food is plantain fritata. Most people are very familiar with this delicious recipe.


Plantain fritata is a tasty, yummy, eye catching and nutritious meal that can be eaten anytime of the day, as breakfast lunch or dinner.

My first taste of this meal was a happy day of my life because I really enjoyed the veggies in it.

Where did you eat this food? Or if you have a recipe, you can share it.

l visited my uncle in his house, her wife told me she a recipe she prepared for me, that l never taste before. l was very curious to see such recipes. When she brought it from Kitchen, oh my gosh! it was so so appertizing even by seeing.

The aroma didn't allow me hold myself but taste it.waw!! It taste so good. l asked her for ingredients method of preparation which she explained.


Ripe plantain
Green pepper
Groundnut oil
Tomatoes Onions
Seasoning cube
Ginger and garlic
Red pepper.

Marinate the plantain with the ginger and garlic for 3 minutes.In a bowl, break 3 eggs and add a pinch of salt stir and set it aside. Heat up the vegetable oil in a frying pan, on low medium heat


Add the marinated plantain to the hot oil and let it fry for at most 5 minutes till it turned golden brown, then remove the plantain from the hot oil.

In the same oil add some sliced onion and let it fry for a minute then add the vegetables and stir while frying for just 2 minutes.

Introduce the marinated fried plantain to your vegetables, then pour in the eggs slowly round the pan and all over.



Allow it on low heat for 3 minutes at one side then flip to cook on the other side for another 3 minutes.



Turn in a flat plate and serve immediately. It can stay for a day without getting spoilt.

Why is this food the most special food you eat in your life?

Why is this food the most special food you eat in your life?

Plantain fritata is very palatable and eyes appealing. It is mostly a combination of natural ingredients which enhances body's nourishment. It is a very nutritious meal and it appealing appearance is very attractive and delicious.

I welcomes my visitors with it as my uncle's did when they invited me to their new residents which I can't easily forget in a hurry. It made me feel special and so my visitors.

Besides that, it preparation is very simple and doesn't require much items.

And why would you encourage everyone to eat this food?

Plantain fritata has a lot of nutritional health benefits. The plantain it self is a good source of carbohydrate Which provides energy to the consumers. The egg sauce contains protein and minerals. This combination is a perfect balance diet our body needs everyday.So what are you waiting for? Please try this meal, definitely you will like it.


Cooking plantain fritata don't require much money, it is among the low budget meal depending on individuals knowledge because they are items that are cheap and common to find any time but can be used to prepare delicious meal.

Every time I expect visitor to my house, I would welcome them with the said Delicacies and they will feel like coming back another day😀.

The creativity, magic and challenge is in our hands, when we are in our kitchen.We can produce at least snacks, drinks, meals that are special to everyone.

I would like to invite @dove11,@bela90 @eliany and @newekemini to participate in the conest.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Your detailed recipe makes it seem accessible and appetizing, encouraging others to try it. In fact, the nutritional benefits combined with the simplicity and affordability of its ingredients make it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a tasty and nutritious meal. Thanks for sharing your culinary passion and inspiring others to explore the magic of cooking

 2 months ago (edited)

Thanks so much for being the first person to comment on my post, l really appreciate your comments.

 2 months ago 

Greetings to this contest,,
The plantain fritta dish looks really yummy, looks good and at the same time is very tasty and nutritious. Because most of the ingredients present in the dish are natural which are rich in various nutrients. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe with us. I will definitely try to make it at home.

I wish you the best in this competition. stay well

•Best Regards

 2 months ago 

Thanks so much for your your nice comments

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 2 months ago 

My pleasure 🥰

Greeting my friend,

Before reading your post don't aware about this wonderful food it's look thay it's really yummy. Thanks for sharing this food with us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your special and your favorite food, plantain fritata! Keep enjoying the taste of your special food. I wish you good luck for your participation.


 2 months ago 

Hi friend,
I loved your special food, since I consume banana almost daily to accompany meals.
So I hope to prepare the Platano Fritata soon, as you say, it is nutritional, economical and easy to prepare 👍🏻
Have a nice day Friend!!!

Hola amiga se ve súper la fritata se ve muy sabrosa porque el plátano es muy rico me gusta tu receta.

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