Just Because You Teach, Doesn't Mean They'll Listen

in #life5 years ago

... People tend to be stubborn... They tend to fight off even those things that are good for them.

Our nature is interesting.

Our nature tends us toward habits that are less than great for us...

When we eat, our caveman instincts are to eat as much as possible because we may not have another meal soon..

When we consume entertainemnt, we want to keep consuming because who knows if we'll be around tomorrow to keep doing what we like...

Our instincts can steer us astray but they can also lead us to the ultimate prizes in life.

Have self-awareness and you may be able to have a say in which direction you go!


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This is true, people tend to destroys itself. It's in our genes or it's been program to our inner mind. Who destroys us is within inside us.