Core Mech Torogi - A Draw this in your style challenge submission

Good Day!
Hi guys, just wanna share with you this recent artwork I made. It's a core gundam made to look like kid torogi. Kid Torogi is a character made by toy artist Dead St from Instagram, this is what his character looks like originally:

He posted a draw this in your style challenge on his Instagram, and for my entry I decided to fuse his design with a core gundam that looks like this:

I based my line art on the core gundam's overall look and just added some details and made changes according to kid torogi's design.

I added some pitch-black parts for deep shadows and added a light grey base on the whole of it.

Next up, I added shadows using black at 40% opacity.

I needed the shadow to just be semi-transparent black so that I can easily shade colors with it and not have to change to darker colors every time I need to draw a shadow on it. Here's the Core Mech Torogi with colors:

Here's the finished artwork:

I have uploaded this to my Instagram to submit as an entry for his challenge. You can check out the Instagram post here:
If you also want to join his dtiys challenge, simply go here:
I hope that you liked the final piece! Cheers!