Placing Cues As A Businessman

in Project HOPE3 years ago

If you want to get a big task done, the best way to remind yourself of it, until you get it done, is to make it so obvious that you see it everywhere you turn to. Great minds have been using this strategy for many years now. A cue is just anything you do, to ensure that you take action with regards to something of value to you.

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Many times, we know exactly what we're supposed to do. We have our job already spelled out for us, but it's often difficult to just get started. Most times, as soon as we manage to start, we'll go on until we're through with it. But starting is not so easy for most people. Procrastination hunts almost everyone.

Even the sharpest minds on earth will procrastinate on some important tasks, except they take deliberate actions to see that they get themselves to get started. Basically all that this strategy demands of you, is that you make so obvious whatever you want to get done. If you start to apply this to your life, you'll surely be a better person.


Examples of cues are you placing your wrist watch on your other hand. Just to keep a reminder to yourself that perhaps you have to pay a visit to a client of yours that day. Another example, is placing your keyboard on your bed or somewhere that you can see it, just to remind yourself that there's still work that you've got to type.

Even doing the laundry. Sometimes, placing dirty clothes in positions where you can't help but move yourself to get them cleaned up. That's what cueing is about. As a businessman, there are many things that cluster your mind, and sometimes we simply forget a few important things. But by doing these obvious things, placing things at weird places; you clearly remind yourself of what's important to you.

Thanks for taking time to read!



Certainly as a businessman we must place things somewhere that tells us the tasks we need to do, the strategic places that remind us what we need to do are very important.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution.

I love this post and will be writing on mine maybe with same topic soon. It is really good to have cues in place so that you can easily remember that you have task that you haven't complete.

I am that type that forget easily, I think I will practice this.

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