Hi! Dinah - Well That's Me :)
Hello everybody ^^
The short version
I'm a 25 year old girl from Denmark. I spend most of my time playing videogames like CSGO, Overwatch, LoL and that kind of games! I have a cute little dog named Kirby, he is a Pomeranian and is 4 years old. I also have 3 guinea pigs.

The longer version
(Here is a picture of my dog Kirby)

I was born Friday 13th - And yes believe it or not, I am really unlucky most of the time :P I have no siblings, and grew up with both my parents in a small city.
Since 2016 I started my own webshop where I distribute kids’ toys, like NERF, Pokémon and so on. On the side I also work at a clothing store, just a few hours a week.
I got Kirby about 2 years ago, because at that time I was working full time as a streamer on Twitch. A dog would be a way for me to get out of the house, and get something else to do.
In 2011 I began to do photography more seriously. I love animals, so the idea of combining photography and animals was amazing for me.
I started getting requests of taking pictures of people and their animals, which I still do - Especially in the summertime, since I love the natural light and what it can do to a picture.
Since I was a kid, I've always loved Disney/Pixar movies - and I'm still a huge fan! My biggest wish came true in Feb. 2017 (But I'll tell more about that in another post) Where I got the chance to go to Disneyland!
My favorite Disney movie has to be The Lion King. But even when I re-watch the old movies (that I have seen many times before) I still cry at the sad and happy parts, yea I'm getting old :P
Thank you for taking your time to read a bit about me!
Hey @dinahthaatsme
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If I missed I do Apoligize for that ...
Lots Of Love For Future Posts
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Waiting for feedback on post
Regards Sophia Olive

Welcome to Steemit @dinahthatsme :)
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Welcome to Steemit!
Welcome Dinah, cool pix! :-)
Welcome to Steemit Dinah. Cute dog you have :) Following and upped your post. Will be looking forward to reading more of your posts. see you around. :)
Your Dogs are cute as well Dinah, and the way your photographed Dino is just amazing. Welcome. (;
Wow thank you SO much :D Glad you like it, and also my dog lol :P
Have a aweomse day :)
Hey Dinah, lovely to meet you and welcome to Steemit! Art goes down well here, so keep on with your writing and I'd love to see some of your photography! =)
Hi @clintjunior thank you so much for the warm welcome :D
I promise you that I'll post more of my photography and writing soon :)!!
Hi Dinah! It's nice to meet you!
I just joined the site as well!
I am also a big fan of League of Legends. I play almost everyday. Which server do you play on? Perhaps we might play together sometime ^_^
Hello @beltashazzar - Nice to meet you 2 :D
It seems like a pretty cool site, and there is so much stuff to do. I barely know where to begin :P
I play on both EU servers (west/east) its the same username as here, feel free to add me :)
I main Support, but also play ADC
I know!!! I've spent all afternoon just trying to grasp the basics, hahaha!
I will add your summoner name on EUW ^_^ It's where I play the most these days.
I have sent you a request on EUW Dinah ^_^
See you on the Fields of Justice! :P
Hello Kirby, nieco to see you on Steemit! ^~^
Hi ^^ @tomosan thank you so much - vruf (from Kirby ;D)