Water is life! Don’t waste a single drop of water

in #water6 years ago

Though we are floating on water, the usable water is limited. It is agreed that, in proportion, one third of earth is water and remaining is land. But the source of usable or drinking water is very less. On top of that if we waste this limited source, definitely we will face difficulties in the future.

So, how many liters of water require for the survival of a person each day?

There is no direct theory of requirement of water of each person. It depends on the environment of that country or location. In USA on an average people drink less than three liters of water every day. On the other hand, many people drink 16 liters of water every day where the environmental condition is very hot.

If we consider 5 liters’ average use, the total drinking water requirement everyday on earth will be like below.

Current population= 7639404805

Average use= 5 liters

Total drinking water requirement=38197024025 liters

The above number is definitely huge. So, what are the sources to get this large amount of drinking water. Let’s see the sources-

Underground water

Surface water(Pond, River etc)

Rain water

Biological sources of water such as plants and animals

If you see the above main sources of drinking water, that is very limited. On top of that, some cases many of these sources water got contaminated and not possible to drink.

For example, surface water like river, lake or pond are frequently getting polluted from industrial waste which is not possible to drink. Even with the touch of skin, this water cause carcinogenic effect.

So, what is left?

If you analyze, our main source of pure drinking water is underground water. If we use this source excessively, the source will be reduced within short time. Besides this, we are also wasting the water than we need.


Let’s see the possible areas of water wastage-

---Leakage of water from water supply pipeline

---Overflow of water from tank or water reservoir kept in rooftop

---During washing the dishes of cloths

---Washing the car

---Leaking of water from the pool

---Watering the desert

---Poor sanitation system

---Increase of earth temperature


If we review the above points, some areas we can work to prevent the losses of our fresh water. There was a survey about the uses of water which denotes that we use 64% of water for irrigation purpose, 11% for personal use, 21% in industrial use to produce different products and finally remaining 4% is unusable as evaporated in different processes.

Last but not the least, if we change our habits of wasting, we can save a lot. Only willingness is required. For example, most of the cases we wash the dishes or cloths by opening the water tap. Same thing applies when washing our hands and legs. If we use the open and close technique as and when required, can save a lot of water. This is an example only. We can take this type of small initiatives to save the water.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Desalination is also an option, it may give almost unlimited amounts of water in the coastal regions, but with quite an energy cost. Some yachts come with small desalination plants installed, particularly yachts used for long-distance sailing. The water quality tends to go bad rather fast when filling from various places and leaving it in holding tanks for weeks - with desalination one can be quite sure to get clean potable water.

We don't have a desalination plant, and we generally try to save on the water when we're on the boat. I'm usually doing the dishes and using small amounts of running water for rinsing off the soap. The used soapy rinse-water is accumulated in the sink and used for washing the dirtiest of the dishes.

That’s a great savings and an example of reuse of water.

I'm usually doing the dishes and using small amounts of running water for rinsing off the soap. The used soapy rinse-water is accumulated in the sink and used for washing the dirtiest of the dishes.

Thanks for your attention.

90% people never think about drinking water. How does he get water, he never think. water, environment, pollution these terms are unknown to them. we need to be aware about water now. Thanks for great post.

You are most welcome.

Water is a wealth. The water in us has to ensure the proper use of water. If there is more water, such as floods, then the drought becomes less when the quantity of water decreases. To ensure proper use of water, all of us have responsibilities and duties.

You are correct. Thanks.

It is necessary that we all become aware of the importance of not wasting a drop of water. There are regions of the earth where the survival of people, animals and plants is at risk due to the great scarcity or absence of this precious liquid.

There are also regions where water is in abundance. I do know some people sourcing their drinking water from local rivers - water is constantly flowing to the sea, leaving the tap open means that some insignificant amount of water will be taken out from that flow. Being hard on water conservation in one region won't help giving more water for other regions of the world.

Yes. But different scenarios are also there where people waste the water where it is available. In below comments @tobixen rightly mentioned that.

We know everything still, we barely act like we know the fact.

Please STOP ACT like you do not know and be aware- each drop is counting.

Thanks @dindar for this kind of beautiful post.

You are welcome.

Yes, Only willingness can save the wastage of water.

Yes, thanks for your attention.

Interesting-very necessary and important post.
You should always think about saving every day
of this life-giving moisture, @dindar

Let everythnig will be alright.
And water will never run out on our planet.
Although now you need to learn how to save
the most valuable natural resource!

Enjoy your evening. Best wishes from @Singa

Great wishes. Thanks.

Water is usually abundant in Norway, though this year we have a drought in southern Norway (and most of Northern Europe), so water conservation is a bit important even in Norway nowadays.

In Norway the domestic average water consumption is at 200-300 liters per person per day (Source), this does not include industrial usages, it doesn't include the water I consume directly or indirectly while working in the office, visiting cafés, etc. Water is generally unmetered, hence people aren't much encouraged to save on the water. Even though we generally have plenty of clean surface-water in Norway, there is an infrastructure cost and an environmental impact of building dams. In earlier days the tap-water was generally not going through much cleaning (the Norwegian water was generally considered clean enough), nowadays all tap water provided by the municipalities goes through cleaning stations.

When the sun is shining and it isn't raining, quite some domestic water consumption is going for watering lawns. People often throw out a sprinkler and leaves the water on 24/7. During draughts like now, many municipalities puts a ban to such water usage.

A staggering 1/3 of drinking water in Norway is wasted through leaks in the water networks. Fixing those leaks seems to be the most obvious way to optimize the water consumption. (same source as above)

Globally, a lot of drinking water is flushed down the WC. While its more eco-friendly to use toilets not requiring water, composting the toilet waste and reusing it as fertilizer/soil, usage of WCs seem to have become a necessarity in the urbanities.

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