The Indian Hibiscus flowering plant
Indian Hibiscus flowering plant".
**Galaxy M20**
The Indian Hibiscus flowering plant
It is a flowering plant. These flowers are called hibiscus flowers. These hibiscus flowers come in many species and come in a variety of colors such as yellow, white, red and many more. Flowers of all colors are interesting to look at and like. However, the red flowers look more attractive on the tree.
This hibiscus flowering plant belongs to the genus Malvaceae. This hibiscus flowering plant is a part of botany. These hibiscus flowering plants grow almost indoors or in gardens and other places. The different colors of these flowers make the beauty of the tree as well as the beauty of its surroundings attractive.
These flowers hold many together in the tree. These hibiscus flowers are called by many names in our Indian language such as: Jaba flower in Bengali language, Lashand in Hindi language etc. These flowers are usually famous for their ornamental flowers in the tropics. They are either annual or perennial.
The leaves of this flowering plant are oval in shape. This flower has 5 petals or sometimes more and has a long pollen in the middle. And the honey that is produced in this pollen attracts the butterflies and they extract honey from it.
I went for a walk in a garden one day and there were these red hibiscus flowers in the trees. The red flowers are very nice to look at and make my eyes look attractive. The surroundings of the garden are full of beauty for these flowers. Then I finally capture these red flowers with my phone camera.