Well, I'm Finally Here on Steemit! My Name's Daniel and Here's My Formal Introduction!

Hello fellow Steemians, my name is Daniel Imbellino and I'm new to the Steemit platform. Despite getting started on here a few weeks ago, I've been yet to give a formal introduction to the community here, and figured now would be a good time to do it. My last few weeks on this platform have been a real eye opener as to how the Steemit platform works, as well as what I can expect from my efforts here.


For starters, I operate a media organization on the web comprised mainly of IT and gaming based media, including Strategic Social Networking and Gamers Bay, which I'll talk more about shortly here.

A Little About Me:

I'm a college educated IT specialist who started out in the tech support world, later moving into the digital media realm back in early 2012. I've been an active journalist and news publisher since late 2012, having written well over 750 articles across the web over the years, and my media organization actively works to promote the work of thousands of bloggers, journalists, and other news sources across the web as well. All of my media was co-founded and is co-owned by internet entrepreneur Sigmund Joseph Solares.

Some of My Work on Web:

Strategic Social Networking :

This is an IT based media organization that was originally founded on Google+ back in 2012. Today, Strategic holds one of the oldest communities on the Google+ platform, and its a brand I worked to grow to the over 161,000+ members it holds today. Strategic's community is mainly centered around subjects such as social media, networking, web publishing, and SEO, among others.


Gamers Bay:


This is a gaming based media organization that was also born on Google+ back in February of 2013. The Gamers Bay brand has close to 40,000 members and followers across all major social platforms today. The brand operates 2 core gaming communities on Google+, and has an active social presence across most major social platforms. We've also produced close to 500 videos on Gamers Bay's channel on YouTube! Joining me here is Gamers Bay manager Michael Haney of Zorch Central: @thezorch

Gamers Bay Community Google+
Gamers Bay's Official Brand Page G+
Gamers Bay on YouTube!
Gamers Bay on Twitter!
Gamers Bay on Medium!
Gamers Bay on Facebook!
The Gamers Video Archive
(GVA is a co-brand of Gamers Bay and a separate community we built just for gaming videos)


This was originally an IT based news website, and it was the first place I ever published my work to. I actually coded the entire site by hand with nothing more than HTML and CSS. The site has since been put on hold for the last year and a half as I shifted gears to work on other projects.


Besides the site's focus on IT based technologies, we also published hundreds of online games there, from over 100 developers starting back in 2013. Due to the changing technological nature of the modern web, we've decided to discontinue the online games feature in the near future. It was an amazing experience though! Moving forward, we're planning to reboot the site with an updated user interface and new focus in the near future, there's a lot of work to be done there!


Today, the media I've grown across the web now numbers in the 750,000+ followers/members mark total. Despite my many achievements on the web, I have to admit I've fallen on hard times, and managing to keep all I've created afloat is a task much easier said than done. Finding sources of sustainable revenue is even tougher. Other issues such as health problems have also put a damper on my efforts in more recent times. But I will keep working to build the dream regardless!

Both myself and my brands are embracing Steemit as part of a new initiative to find sustainable growth and revenue to help maintain what we worked so hard to build over the years. We do plan on eventually setting up accounts here for Gamers Bay and Strategic individually to be managed by our staff in the near future.

No doubt, I and others put tens of thousands of hours of hard work into building things like Strategic Social Networking and Gamers Bay, and we've realized that without some sustainable form of revenue, we're aren't going to last.

I realize now that in order to make things work I have to be willing to try new things such as Steemit, and we're currently working to implement Patreon accounts for for several of our brands as well. We other initiatives we're considering as well, such as social media marketing/brand building and management services.

All being said, its been an interesting last few weeks on Steemit, in which I witnessed a lot of positives and negatives to making use of this platform. The community here is quite friendly it seems, but the platform also has issues with spammers I see. I also wasn't to thrilled when I found out someone had scraped one of my articles off of Strategic's publication on Medium and reposted it here. Nonetheless, I'm going to try and look past the negatives and more towards the positives moving forward.

Sincerely, Daniel Imbellino
Feel free to connect with me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DanielImbellino


Hi @djdaniel2020! welcome to Steemit.

That's an excellent introduction post!

With your range of interests and as an IT specialist, I'm sure you have plenty to bring to this platform and to your fellow Steemians.

Best of luck, and Look forward to seeing some more content!

Greetings from Philippines!

Many thanks for the warm welcome Richkid! I'm already finding value from this platform just in the people alone, its just incredible! I've seen a lot negative things here too, but I'm looking past the negatives, the good people here makeup for the bad 10X over! You guys are amazing!

I just want to say welcome to Steemit, I'm sure as the community knows you will encounter a bunch on interesting people on this platform. Do not be saturated to work through every input available and get paid according to your work.

I also want to introduce you another way to earn money or crytocurrency for you. There is a new Ethereum game AETHIA, this game follows the same concept as the crypto kittens and will be launching very soon. This means, that early adopters will have the opportunity to make huge profits. If you are interested, please view the following post for the earning introduction.

Otherwise, you could also enter the site here.

You are also welcome to follow me. I am an architecture student and a part time graphic designer. I do design on world famous landscape and buildings. You can check here for my introducing post.

Thanks so much for the warn welcome Ron, and the info regarding the new game. I'm definitely a gamer at heart, so I have to check this out!

welcome to the magic that is steemit!

Thanks so much Lopez :)

Great to see an introduction post from you! learned a lot more about you guys through this. like I did not know you guys made a few online games in the past! That is damn amazing! Ah and I didnt know you struggled with some health problems....I hope all goes well with whatever it is and if you ever feel like resting do not hesitate to just rest so wont go overboard. I am looking forward to seeing you guys branch out here on Steemit you guys have what it takes to get something going here! Keep on steeming!

Yeah, I wanted to let the community here know a little more about who I am, about my media, and what I hope for here. The health issues is a tough one, it often stops me in my tracks. Yesterday my nervous system shut down hard and I couldn't work. Even tonight I'm not feeling all that great. The health issues are something I just try and accept.

As for the online games, we actually didn't develop them, we were rather publishers of them for developers.

Often developers would ask us to publish a new game in hopes of getting more visibility for them. At one point we were getting 500 to 1,000 shares a day on social media from our online games section back in 2014. We got free games, and the developers got free promotions and visibility for their work.

A lot of games like Bro Force and others, often started out as web based beta versions that were created to bring visibility to an underlying project. Then the developers would proceed with later publishing full versions of the games to platforms like Steam.

If you look closely at Gamers Bay's channel, you'll see that there's an entire playlist of online games, and that was the original intended purpose of the channel, to promote the games. Sadly, a lot of the games no longer function due to their outdated nature and the ever changing technologies that drive the web. But we did an excellent job of preserving these games through videos over the years.

Here's the actual playlist, which started back in 2013: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgRUyGl_dui06x2bLzsVbUUInMzMcraxK

Most of them have no commentary. I'm honestly glad we did videos of these games, as so many of them are gone forever! The videos are all that remains for many of them.

Oh damn it got that bad that it had stopped you from doing anything? Oh man..that is terrible! So you have a condition with your nervous system eh?

Oh okay so I was mistaken you guys were the publishers of the online games huh? that is a great way to not only help get new projects more exposure but also it helps you guys possibly build more connections with these developers. I am gonna have to give that playlist a look it is great that you still have the videos of some of the things that are now no longer around.

Yeah, I've been sick as hell lately to be honest. Today was the first day in like 2 weeks I actually felt ok. I do see a neurologist, but everything he's tried doesn't work, and he pretty much broke the bad news last time I was there that my health issues are unlikely to go away.

I just try as much as possible to keep moving and not let it take me down you know.
It all started back in 2013 with constant migraine headaches, then a year later things just got worse. I often have days where its like I'm paralyzed, I cant move much and have this awful fatigue.

There are some things I do to try and keep myself from ending up bed ridden, like working out and trying to eat things that are healthy. I'm writing about this experience now, as I see people complain so much about things, but its like if they only realized their health is what matters most.

Yeah I just read that blog a short while ago that legit got my eyes a bit watery reading it..I did not know you lived through so much and had to deal with the impact of your health suddenly failing like that..Then seeing everything you once had get lost one by one being stuck struggling poor...Is not easy at all...And I especially know what is like to live poor we are in such a situation now.

Hi there @djdaniel2020!

on behalf of the newly established steemit community here in General Santos CIty Philippines.

We welcome you our fellow new comer!

WOW, you aren't kidding! That's a lot of Steemians! Thanks so much for the warm welcome friend :)

Hi @djdaniel2020, welcome to Steemit. Thanks for your detailed self-intro. I am here to support a newcomer with a little upvote. Hope you will enjoy your time here!

Many thanks Culgin! An amazing community you guys have here :)

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