The winners of Caturday SBI Giveaway #21 / キャタデー SBI ギブアウェイ #21 当選者発表

Thanks all for participating in the Caturday SBI Giveaway #21
The answer for the quiz this week “How many eyelids do cats have on each eye?” is 3! Yes, cats have 3 eyelids. Very interesting.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos of your cat eyes!
Here is the photo of my cat eyes.
She has beautiful light green eyes as well ;)

I received 2 entries this week.
The extra share goes to @whatisnew after the draw.
Congratulations @ewkaw and @whatisnew!
キャタデー SBI ギブアウェイ #21にエントリーしていただき、ありがとうございます。
今週のクイズ、” 猫の目(片目)にはいくつの瞼があるでしょう?“ は3つです。

The proof of transaction is below.

Thanks so much @djynn! : )
Pepper has beautiful eyes. : )
My pleasure!
Just saw it now :)
Yayyy thank you! and happy Caturday!
My pleasure!
What a cute drawing! I love it 😻