Creative Projects Are Not Made - They Break Through Existing Projects

in Steem Schools2 years ago
Existing positions in business are difficult to change, leaders in positions do not want someone to take their place, they do not want to fail, and this is a normal situation in every project and business. Top leaders are always innovating something, always doing new things and thus pushing the boundaries for themselves and for all users. If we want great success, then creativity that never ceases is the dominant factor of development, it is done by the best leaders in the world, they are not afraid of change, they explore and move forward. On the path between creative projects and success at the top, there are projects and leaders who do not want change, they are scared and for fear of losing money and their positions are ready to do everything to stop the creative project to become successful. When you see a lot of people talking badly about a project or about you, look deeper, if you see the sincere intentions of the leader and the creative power of the project, it means he has a chance to become a giant project and achieve great success, jump in and have a chance with that project.


Creativity breaks through barricades and obstacles, and only the most persistent can bring big projects to the top, and there is a place for them because everyone has benefits because of them.
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Welcome to the Telegram Group on live business classes - Creative Millionaires

Original post by @dobartim
Welcome to the Money project:
We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools
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You are intuitive, and fluid, you can develop a great intuitive reach, it will open all the doors for business, and private life, intuition is the path of development and abundance.

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We Win Together
One Mission
One Goal
See you at the top

Welcome to the Telegram Group on live business classes - Creative Millionaires

Original post by @dobartim
Welcome to the Money project:
We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools
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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 2 years ago 

Muito bom, vamos seguir em frente, onquistano.

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