Strength and Power

There is no quarrel that cannot be overcome, there are excuses that give us character weakness to give up on a life mission. We have discovered new worlds and opportunities that inspire us to make a great victory, this is a dream we live without an excuse.
Life is a game of balance between fire and water, the ability to move forward gives us the direction of moving toward personal improvement. Energy circulates in the hidden places of truth, the lie becomes an illusion in the sincere intentions of wrong thoughts that become difficult for us in the days of happiness.
Show your weaknesses on the altar of talent and focus, open your heart to the emotions of love and conquer the world with positive vibes. We make bridges and dams in places of emotional strife, dreaming of great successes that lead us to freedom of thought and emotion.
Original poetry written by @dobartim
We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools
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The idea of being positive and open, kind and understanding is also a basis of such religion like Buddhism. Was always fascinated with that it is a reason why meditation and yoga so wide spread :)
Spirituality is the main thing in the universe