Cannabis Dispensaries Keep Communities Safer Says New Study

in #cannabis7 years ago

According to a new study from the University of California, it's suggested that medical cannabis dispensaries are effective in reducing crime in their areas.

The study has been published in the Journal of Urban Economics and it sought to investigate the immediate impact that medical cannabis dispensaries have on their communities in the way of crime.

They investigated the massive wave of short-term closures for hundreds of medical cannabis dispensaries which took place back in 2010.

What they found was that the crime surrounding those dispensaries would immediately increase for those dispensaries that received orders to close, compared to those who remained open.

They also noted that they found slightly similar results when investigating restaurant closures.

It's been previously suggested that a city street is going to be safer if there are more eyes upon the street, eyes belonging to those who might respond to what they see.

When it comes to the 'eyes on the street” concept, it has been shown that areas which have higher scores and therefore more eyes on the street, have turned out to be effective in deterring crime.

And the restaurants and medical dispensaries contribute to a higher “walkability score” for that area which means there are more “eyes on the street.”

The most typical crimes that they found surrounding restaurants and medical cannabis dispensaries were thefts from cars and property crimes.

Because of their findings, the researchers suggest that contrary to popular belief, cannabis dispensaries aren't the crime magnet that some people often see them to be. And it could be quite the contrary, where in fact these dispensaries are actively contributing to a reduction in crime for that vicinity. They are making the neighborhood safer.

The researchers concluded from their study that not only cannabis dispensaries but restaurants as well, are effective for being able to lower crime in the area.

Dave Jordano via Wired
Wallin & Klarich
AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli via heraldtribune


Thank you for sharing the benefits of cannabis and calming fears.

I hated street buying the chance of that turning into a robbery is high so for sure dispensaries reduce crime

Excellent truthful post
Cannabis is a healer at all levels from the body , emotions , mind and spirit
After intaking cannabis most people are calmer , less violent and peaceful
Also the medicine helps with communication with your mind sub conscious and develops intuition
So it's a teacher and excellent medicine to release emotional and mind blockages
A medicine of evolution of consciousness transcending the ego
God bless

thanks for checking it out :)

@DoItVoluntarily... Thanks Again for another important's really educational/instructional for the naysayers to understand that there are many good "side-effects" of Marijuana and it's about time that the USA (Federal Government) officially acknowledges this.

Cheers !!

it's about time this crop becomes legal at a federal, recreational level!

I wonder how cannabis dispensaries can reduce crime, because people who use cannibis are mostly aggressive.. but it nice to see cannibis becoming a solution to almost everything now, i guess that why god created it

that isn't true at all? lol where did you get that?

Possible confusion between alcohol and cannabis? ... (scratching head)

Lol not like cannabis is the solution to everything.. i didn't mean it that way..but some research says it can cure serious disease like cancer and now cannabis dispensaries can help in reducing crime.. the new study will say something new about it

it's not the solution to everything but it is the solution to many things.. certainly doesn't make people aggressive lol does the opposite!

Gonna have to haggle on them $39 8ths

Nobody is causing problems after smoking, I can garauntee it! Its so true, I am always happy after a good smoke :)

I would not be surprised if money plays a part in this whole subject. So much goes back to that.

This is great news. The logic makes sense to me... more cannabis dispensaries, like restaurants, encourages people to walk around and therefore discourages illegal / sketchy behavior. That's good stuff!

Hopefully we get more legal marijuana soon and get on with all these benefits.

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