I've Changed My Mind, I am In Favor of Globalist Population Genocide... Go Kill Bill!

in DTube5 years ago

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The Dixie Chicks are now called The Chicks: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/entertainment/2020/06/25/dixie-chicks-change-name-the-chicks-orig-llr-kj.cnn

“THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED”.....wearing a #COVID__19 mask starves your brain of oxygen! https://twitter.com/BeachMilk/status/1275754916225511424

Oregon County issues Face Mask Order that exempts non-white people https://twitter.com/win2win16/status/1276214145465999360

$21 Million NYC Field Hospital Closes After Never Seeing a Single Patient https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/23/21-million-nyc-field-hospital-closes-after-never-seeing-a-single-patient/

DeepState installed - 5-G in elementary schools is causing childhood cancer cases all over America!!!! https://twitter.com/DeepStateExpose/status/1275546307759878151

This angry Florida woman argued today against the mask mandate, while bringing up the devil, 5G, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, "the pedophiles" and the deep state. https://twitter.com/RexChapman/status/1275912010555932672

Ditching Your Smartphone Is EASY (Here's How!) by Adam:

The recession is much worse than the IMF expected and the hit to jobs 'catastrophic' https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/24/economy/imf-economic-outlook/index.html

▶️ DTube

Just a mention that every tip that you have given me has shown a profit. That includes gold stocks, STEEM and currently HODLing up on XMR. Thanks Buddy!