Trump Backs ISIS As He Pushes US Onto Brink of World War III With Russia

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

If you asked your normal, television programmed American about 9/11, many would still say what a sad day it was, the day the US was attacked by Al-Qaeda’s Muslim extremists.

They are wrong about who did it, of course… but then again they get their “news” from fakestream media and have been drinking fluoride, getting vaccinated and spent their entire childhood in government indoctrination camps.

Al Qaeda, which was a CIA creation has now morphed into ISIS, and the same people are backing ISIS that backed Al Qaeda - the US government, Israel, Saudi Arabia, CIA, and NATO.

Would your average American be shocked to know that the US government, and now Donald Trump, not only created ISIS but continue to fund and support it?

Well, they should prepare to be shocked because it is 100% true and fully provable.

In fact, there have been numerous admissions coming from Wikileaks, politicians, and even picture evidence pointing to the fact that the US government is the largest supporter of global terrorism.

Here’s one photo of John McCain with a few terrorist leaders including ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Another example that comes to mind was when Killary Clinton stated in a Fox interview several years ago: “When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea that we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force of ‘Mujahideen’ and equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan and we were successful.”

Mujahideen is a term used in reference to Al-Qaeda as the word comes from the (Arabic: مجاهدين‎‎ mujāhidīn) and is the plural form of Mujahid (Arabic: مجاهد‎‎), the term for one engaged in

Jihad. Killary went on to say in that same interview, “If you look back, the people we’re fighting today, we were supporting in the fight against the Soviets.” So there you have it, right from the horse's mouth, yet if you try explaining this to Americans most will call you a crazy conspiracy theorist. Even though Julian Assange released a collection of around 17,000 hacked emails about Libya alone plus much more providing proof that Clinton "pushed" for weapons to be sent to "jihadists within Syria, including ISIS." Of course, Donald Trump is well aware of this fact, which is the reason why during his campaign he came out and said; “In fact, in many respects, you know they honor President Obama, ISIS is honoring President Obama. He is the founder of ISIS [...] And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” While many thought it was wonderful how Trump made that admission, he later, in effect, proved his allegiance to the same terrorist organizations by signing a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, the same nation responsible in part for 9/11 and other atrocities. And it appears Trump is continuing to play his role as an ISIS/terror supporter. It just came out that a US-led coalition shot down a Syrian war plane attempting to target a fleeing ISIS convoy. This shows that the Trump administration is aligning itself with the Syrian rebel forces, also known as ISIS, against Bashar al-assad. In response to this, Russia first scolded the US when their deputy foreign minister slammed the US downing of the jet as an "act of aggression" and "support for terrorists" and then announced that starting June 19th it will halt all interactions with the US under the framework on the "memorandum of incident prevention in Syrian skies" Also, yesterday the Iranians launched missile strikes against ISIS bases in Eastern Syria in retaliation to earlier ISIS-claimed attacks against Iran. It’s no wonder that in the Western media Iran, Syria, and Russia are the most demonized countries because they are the countries in which the US/CIA/Israel wish to perpetuate destabilization. As always, the elites intention is to use their typical order out of chaos strategy to eventually swoop into these nations for “humanitarian purposes” and install their own puppet dictator who will enact beneficial policies on their behalf. And while the US funds Israel immensely, it is the Israelis who do much of the grunt work on the ground. Surprisingly, the Wall Street Journal even admits it! “Israel has been regularly supplying Syrian rebels near its border with cash as well as food, fuel, and medical supplies for years, a secret engagement in the enemy country’s civil war aimed at carving out a buffer zone populated by friendly forces.” According to interviews with about half a dozen Syrian fighters, “The Israeli army is in regular communication with rebel groups and its assistance includes undisclosed payments to commanders that help pay salaries of fighters and buy ammunition and weapons.” So with the US continuing to stoke tensions in Syria with the help of Israel and the Saudis, it is rapidly moving towards an all out multinational World War against Russia and Iran. We have already told subscribers of The Dollar Vigilante what we are expecting in the Middle East and even by what date… later this year. And we’ll release some of that info to the public soon. In the meantime, as this violence continues to escalate and threaten the lives of thousands of innocent people it also poses a threat to your wallet. Much of this is being funded by the bankrupt US government who must continue to print money in order to keep paying the terrorists. This too is part of the globalist plan, which Donald Trump has sworn into under his training as a Jesuit and even recent admission of being a globalist. That was how we knew he had been selected as President, by the way, when he and Killary showed up at a Jesuit function with Henry Kissinger after one of their final debates. We wrote about that here, “Rigged Election: Hillary and Trump Caught Partying Like BFF’s With Kissinger at Jesuit Gala.” To summarize, the globalists are bankrupting the US while causing as much chaos as possible worldwide via ISIS and the US military. If this continues, and we suspect it absolutely will, we will see major war as well as a hyperinflating dollar in the coming months and years. All of this fakestream media coverage of the James Comey debacle and politicians getting shot at baseball practice is all meant to distract you from the escalating and impending war in the Middle East and subsequent collapse of the EU and US. The Dollar Vigilante began in 2010, and we knew and expected this to happen. As such we recommend investments in precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and other hard assets. Those recommendations earned a 99% gain in 2016 from investments in gold mining stocks. And we’ve earned over 100,000% since we began recommending bitcoin at $3 in 2011 and Ethereum at $2 in 2016. Bitcoin currently sits at $2,600 and Ethereum is near $400. We also recommend getting out of Europe and the US as they will be decimated in the coming years via war, default, and hyperinflation. And, it’s all on purpose. Sign up to get all our information and advice at The Dollar Vigilante newsletter HERE. It’s just a few dollars per month that could help you salvage your assets… and also profit massively from being ahead of the game. Most people in Europe and the US will lose everything in the coming years. It’s too bad. But if they are too stupid to see what is happening or too scared to do something about it then there is nothing we can do. You can take action though. And we suggest you do. Things are going to get very crazy, very soon. /


Wow@dollarvigilante, I really like your Analyse on the post you review us about what we should expert in the future. Why is our leaders don't have heart for the future of mankind.

thank you

You are welcome @marky

because they are Evil, my Friend! research the Georgia Guidestones, where they have their Plan for the destruction of Humanity written in Stone, in 12 different languages, right out in the Open for Everyone to see! Yet If try to discuss it with most People, they look at you blankly because they literally have NO idea what you are speaking to them about! Or, if they know a little bit, they call you a Conspiracy Nut, meanwhile we are ALL breathing in Chemtrails, drinking Fluoride water, and eating poisoned food! smh..

true ! we will see where the journey of mankind goes

This is indeed scary and yeah, most people don't have a clue and some don't want to know. They'd rather take the blue pill instead of the red pill.

Hi I would really appreciate your feedback on my last post on this topic @marky

You're welcome. I like going through finding interesting posts to read.

Swallowed the red Pill about 10 years ago! LOL..Its very Liberating actually!

Enjoy your work and how you give good advice to the common people. Love how you expose the elite and their workings.
I been saying this for a while that mainstream media distracts you from what is really going on.

a fine post with actual meat. @dollarvigilante is spot on. trump has always been close with jesuits though he seems not nearly as evil as clinton's group of fiends. i hope the citizens of the western countries don't suffer too badly from their govt's resistance to global changes such as cryptos, etc. get ready for some chaos, things are accelerating already.

This 1967 CIA Memo Is Still Used to Discredit Conspiracy Theorists Today

You are entirely right and I wish I had the resources to get out with my family. Unfortunately I don't have the resources and because of heart attacks most likely I won't. Sucks!

It is crazy Jeff. I can't imagine what they will do it next.

Here’s one photo of John McCain with a few terrorist leaders including ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Funny how that's not Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi...

Are you drunk?

No, He's Correct, You must not be very AWARE of what's going on around you? This is not NEW..

Are You? I am 100 Percent Awake, my friend..Get with it..

@dollarvigilante, I tuned over to NPR on the ride home from work for a second to see what bullshit they were peddling today. Turns out they were talking about the Megan Kelley interview with Alex Jones so I listened. When they started taking calls, they got 2 people, from different parts of the country, both of them said that alex jones was right about 911. I was literally loling in the car.

Check it out.

http://www.npr. org/podcasts/510053/on-point-with-tom-ashbrook

Starting at 27:35 the first person is an alex jones supporter, then they get a normie, then they play another piece of audio of sandy hook, then 2 more people call in and question 9/11 !

I still can't stop laughing.

I believe there is physiological difference between what we call the elites or 1%.
We are actually different. I get sick and tired of people saying its human nature to have war and kill and control. It is most certainly not my nature or any of my friends nature to want to do these things. We are quick to call a rowdy child ADHD and give them drugs to zombifie. I think its the elites that are the truly sick ones that we the people should medicating them. The are sick they are sick they are sick.
Of course the problem it our political system that allows these sick people to rise above the rest of us.
The problem with the rest of us is we dont aspire to challenge them or rise to their political status because we are not sick.

They're lizard people, you knew that right? LOL... sorry...

Seriously though, there is a high prevalence of psychopathy in people in positions of power.

What you have to remember is, that would included CEOs... not to mention that if there were no government, these kinds of people would create one through manipulation and force.

That's why democracy is the best answer we have so far. The rest of us can watch them and vote them out of office if they don't do their jobs properly.

I agree its the CEOs .
We should medicate them all to cure their sickness, like the are doing to us.

Voting? Democracy? Both are fairly tales..

Believing something makes it so.

It's useful, don't you think, for politicians to have people self-select themselves out of the voting process?

Doesnt matter either way, voting is a myth. The people as a whole never get what they want. A new administration has never reversed one previous administrations legislative policies.. As is not once, never in history. So tell me people, whats the point?

You're kidding right? Literally all Trump has done is reverse Obama's policies. The 18th Amendment was reversed. States are legalizing pot. Slavery was ended and segregation was ended. Interracial marriage laws were removed.

There are literal shitloads of examples of policies being reversed.

Which ones? Its never happened, aca, patriot act , Guantanamo is still open , all tax and business policies are the same. As well as all federal reserve policies. Im not talking about the Paris accords, real legeslation. Josh tolley has gone over this in full detail. Nothing has changed. We are still on the same course as always.

And that's just a start, and doesn't include the historical ones I already mentioned.

Oh yea the ttp show... The TISA ( trade in service agreement ) is still in effect and is worse than TTP was inn regaurds to a nations sovereignty. All Illusions, thats why they will get away with more than Trump than they ever could with Clinton. People would be all over her. Im still seeing chemtrails...

It wouldn't do anyone any good to violently rise against the powerful. More control would be clinched. There are no new tricks either, this has all been done before, just smaller scale.

New trick, medicate them and their bloodlines.
New political system , The Durry system. 1000 everyday people told they have to run the country for 3 yrs or there abouts. No highly educated people considered, they can be on tap not on top like JFK said.
the meaning of National service would change from killing and being killed to running the country for your fellow citizens.

I will post about this shortly.
follow me to see it lol

Followed :)

They are so openly attacking Syrian army lately

Thank you for exposing this.

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