How to Trust in Business and with Cryptocurrencies.

in #business7 years ago

When you're thinking of going into a deal, project or business with someone how much proof do you expect or demand?

There are many people who are too trusting without the need for proof of numbers, finances, research or assets to back them up.

The biggest mistake anyone can ever make is to naively trust someone with a business deal just because there's a good feeling about it or them without the necessary proof to back up their guarantees and assurances of success.

I think it's often best to control emotions and seeking validation as apposed to going with gut feelings. Some people just hype up themselves and their business and would do whatever it takes to secure a deal or partnership. It's human nature to look after ourselves first and with some people that comes at a cost to others.

With crypto-currencies there are a fair share of coins that are questionable and others we need to look further into and demand more proof of it's viability.

Proper research and validation into the business behind the coin is best before doing anything.

How about you, how do you trust in business and with crypto-currencies?

Thank you for reading this post because I hope it is helpful for to seek out proper evidence and proof when trusting in a business deal or cryptocurrency.

If you think this is a helpful post for beginners to the crypto currency space, would you please upvote this because it will help me share more insights to success and profit with digital currencies.😋

All my hopes and dreams.

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"Trust then verify," correct?

I think that most sincere and honest people won't mind if you want to ask for proof or evidence when making a decision. If they become combative, you'll probably want to re-evaluate your decision whether they are hiding something or not.

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