Club 100||womens health||How guava leave and okra water helps in conception by @donpearl|| 23-2-2022

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)


Hello my people, my great and beautiful women, it is my pleasure to write again today expecially on this beautiful topic about women.

Hence late conception and fertility issues has been a case study nowadays, i decided to give a brief and certain information on guava leave and okra water.


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Guava leaves are great source of fertility boosting nutrients, which are rich in vitamin C, calcium, vitamin B2, niacin vitamin E and magnisium. It also contain high content of folic acid known as vitamin B9.

How to prepare guava leave for fertility

(1)pluck and wash the leaves to clean them
(2)pour water into pot and allow to boil
(3)pour the leaves into water and boil them for few minutes until the water become greenish or brownish
(4)Remove the pot from the fire and sieve the liquid. Drink a cup first thing in the morning before you eat and last thing in the night before going to bed. Remember, it id normally bitter but dont worry.
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"NOTE: This guava drink should only be taken during menses. Your husband can drink it too but you have to add little ginger to his own for taste. One cup of guava juice is said to contain 20% of your folate or folic acid requirement. This article is intellectual property of


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Okra water causes multiple eggs to be released during ovulation and increases the female chances of having twins or triplet. Some scientist have also suggested that apart from okro water, okro leaves also boost ovulation and fertility.

How to prepare okro water

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Buy okro from the market,wash it and then slice it into desired shapes and immerse it in water overnight or for complete 24hours. Drink the water first thing in the morning for up to one week.

"NOTE: Take it alone, dont drink with hubby and also should be taken after menses.

Drink your guava leave during menses and witch to okro water after menses. Know your ovulation day and be ready to tap the juice, then wait for your conception. Good luck to TTC mothers.( TTC means trying to conceive)


Okro water and guava leaf is local home remedy for conception. Try and see

 2 years ago (edited)

Wow! I've never known one can speed up or ease conception. This is rare knowledge. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks dearie

 2 years ago 

Wow, this is interesting and I am hearing about it for the first time. Kudos for sharing such educating content with us.

Thanks love for going through my post.

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