Thoughts During Quiet MomentssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry7 years ago

Feeling early morning sun rays
breezes flowing through the trees
it comes to mind how seductive the want can be
those hopes I live with
in home of the brave
land of the free
Without warning pleasant thought is often shattered
by the view of sky high aerosol
the milky substance sprayed by despots
effecting one and all
Then stories of the desperate
lost in want for better times
ingesting substance meant for pleasure
neither harmless
truly helpful
or benign
What's lived by many is exploited
by the few now in control
names and faces always change
the end result remains the same
the truth is rarely told

I often wonder how so many people can hear the corruption and deception alerts presented by knowledgeable people in our world, the tireless researchers among us, and not demand accountability for the perpetrators of corruption and deception. The answer of course is that most people are not aware to the degree of what is being stated by the whistle-blowers or choose to not use them as resources to learn from. It is not difficult to find researchers on a variety of platforms on the Internet or in written word, the difficulty stems from sorting through the quacks or those of a lesser skill level to find the authentic story. There is little doubt in my mind that scoundrels exist among the population dedicated to bringing facts to surface. I think we not only have a responsibility to sort through the fake news that is presented in our attempt to discover the real story, we have a duty to discover the truth, no easy task for sure. I am not able to say when along our journey of life this responsibility should be accepted or when the duty should be undertaken, only that at some point along the way, it seems reasonable to conclude that incongruence can hardly be ignored or denied which, in my model, suggests the time will come for the vast majority to take some type of action.

I was in my late 40's before I started to wake up, mid 50's before I started to take any real action, and reached my late 50's before I began to clearly understand that it is up to me to do or say something about injustice in the human community. I rarely want to participate violently be it violence as subtle as control or a more overt type as in physical conflict. I have tried participating on both levels many times in my life and finally figured out neither approach is effective in the long run. In fact both approaches only beget more of the same. It is not like an earthquake or volcano, events I can do little but prepare for, I am at choice regarding how I respond to the human behaviors I face daily, all of us are at choice. I have decided to write little ditties and share with others the information I discover as a result of my willingness to look for meaningful information and success of discovery with my knowledge that the more who are aware, the more likely that desired change can occur. It is up to we the people to bring about the change we desire. Best.


Remember me? You were one of the first ones to talk to me when I first started. It's been less than 2 months, but you were such a big help to me. Thank you.


Of course I remember Lahvista, haven't gone totally over the hill yet. Thanks for stopping in. I come in every few days, mostly when I have a thought and want to write it down. Ah, I think crazy is good! I hope you are well.

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