How the Jews were waiting for not one but two Messiahs: Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Yosef

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

It's amazing how at the time of Jesus' appearing on earth, many rabbis believed there might be two Messiahs, not one. This was because the prophecies in Scripture concerning the Messiah seemed contradictory: some seemed to prophesy of a "reigning king" - called "the Son of David" (Messiah ben David/Mashiach ben David) - and others seem to prophesy of a "suffering servant" - "the Son of Joseph" (Messiah ben Joseph/Mashiach ben Yosef). Over the years, in response to the identification of Jesus as the Messiah, prophesies concerning "the suffering servant" Messiah have been downplayed in Judaism in favor of the "reigning king" Messiah.

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