SEC S17W5: The Diary Game (09-05-2024): "The ways of life"

in RECREATIVE STEEM22 days ago (edited)
Hello My Dear Steemian Friends,

My diary today is a rare writing exercise because my day was not different from other days. Being a work-from-home professional, I am not going out of the house much, so there was nothing special.

I am doing this diary post for yesterday's activities as I had decided to do it for the SEC S17W5: The Diary Game "The ways of life." in RECREATIVE STEEM.

I invite my friends @josepha @patjewell @beautiful12 and @senehasa


As usual, I woke up at 6.30 and came out of my house to see if the weather outside was okay for a walk but it was drizzling. I smiled and thought so I will miss another morning walk but nothing to worry about as I have alternative arrangements. But don't you think that the fun you derive going out in the open is not present in costly equipment?


But what fascinated me was the colorful fallen leaves. I looked up and saw trees with different colors.
I wanted to go for a morning walk as usual, but it was a cold day and it was drizzling slightly, so I took a stroll around my house and saw the colors of fall. I thought I would capture them later.


I went to the bathroom and after finishing my routine in the bathroom and emptying the dishwasher, which I had done last night, I put the robot cleaner to work.


Yes, I do this all to help my wife because, in Australia, there is no house help, or if there is, it is too costly. I believe we all men should do it otherwise also as the household chores is not only a woman's job.


I then came to our outer room and did a workout for a few minutes, as we have up a treadmill for indoor workouts because the weather was already cold and it soon would be much colder.


I prepared breakfast for myself, as my wife eats only fruits and takes a glass of juice in the morning, so I prepared my own breakfast.


After I finished my breakfast, I came to my bedroom and planned to tidy up my study table. Yesterday I was not going to my regular workstation as I was not too well, so I thought I would rest as and when there was nothing much to do.


At about nine, I logged into my official account and checked the mail coming from my coworkers and office in India. There was nothing special or worth mentioning, so I did a power-up post on Steemit.

Screenshot (1865).png

I got busy again with my official website. I could see a local milk plant had raised a troubleshooting request, so I instructed the area engineer to attend to it.


At about 11 a.m., I took my camera and came out of my house, as the drizzle had stopped but the wind was too fast. I could see the wind blowing the dry leaves from one end to the other.


The colorful trees looked as if the blossom had arrived, but these colors were not those of flowers but dry leaves. The fall is taking its toll on the trees in full swing.


I moved around and took more pictures; this time I took a shot of the inner lane of our area.


And then I pointed my camera at a distant tree in the stadium area of the park. I could see a small red tree, which meant all the leaves of this tree would fall soon.


I loved what I saw, so I crossed to the other side of the pavement with my camera so that I could capture the images for this post, as I had planned this post for the day.


I have nothing special to say, so whatever I am saying is just putting my thoughts, feelings, and experiences into words. It is a collection of the events of my day and my reactions to them.

To be franc, I am not used to writing a diary, so it's not important for me, nor is writing a diary an important experience for me. It just provides me with a means to understand and express my inner views, that's all.

However when I write a diary through this, I can know myself better and provide clarity to my thoughts. As a nature lover, the shots I took in the morning were still fresh in my mind, so I am taking the liberty to take a few more.

Writing a diary is not a regular activity for me. I write down my thoughts and feelings because this site loves diary writing. Sometimes I write about a few important events and experiences during my busy day schedule.


As I said I seldom write a diary but when I do a diary post it is a priceless treasure for me, which contains a collection of my thoughts, feelings and memories. And as I said, today's precious memories were the colors of the fall.

If you are seeing my diary, it is important that I try to be completely honest and fair in what I write because I do not want to write cooked-up stories but exactly the same as what I did during the day. I don't want to fill the post with fancy stories.

I write about my feelings and thoughts without any bias, and I do not try to hide or beautify them. I try to give detailed descriptions of events, thoughts, and feelings.

I mention dates, times, and places only when I do it for Steemit; otherwise, my diary is nothing but my scattered thoughts.

In summary, when writing a diary for this day, I will mention what I did yesterday in detail so that it remains a meaningful and beneficial experience for me and my Steemian friends.


I collected all the letters at 2:30 and took a short drive to the post office. I bought a few items from the grocery shop adjoining the post office. I came back within 35 minutes.


I am trying to give detailed descriptions of events, and one of them is that I went to the post office at about 2.30 in the afternoon as a routine to collect my mail and dispatch the circulars for my client companies.


On my return, I had some light snacks and went back to work. Let me accept that work from home sounds a nice idea as I go out only when must, and I feel like life is getting monotonous.


I was free by 5.30, so I went sit in front of the TV, but there was nothing interesting, so I took a few minutes nap while waiting for my wife.


She came at 6.30 and, after a short rest, prepared food that we took in our dining room. Then I was free for Steemit, so I spent some time on this website, and yesterday, as I told you earlier, I was not doing too well, so I went to bed early at 10 p.m.

Canberra- 10-05-2024
11 AM

I hope you enjoyed my yesterday's routine

Writing a diary is not a regular activity for me.

Same here...

I write down my thoughts and feelings because this site loves diary writing.

And yet here I am, having never written a diary on this site and still somehow surviving...

PS: I think you've written very well in this post and should keep writing diary posts regularly. I might give it a try myself because, unfortunately, it seems like very few people on this site read my "boring" articles and fiction stories.

 22 days ago 

Look bro, if you have to write a diary and get noticed you must wakeup in the morning, brush your teeth go to pray in a mosque, church or temple, and then come back have food and then rest for a while. Get up in the afternoon and then go meet your friends, go to a shop and buy something (including cream or vegetables) come back home, have your food and watch TV and go to bed. And you are a college student living in a village. I have no such activities so I can't write diaries. Thanks for your offer anyways!

Sarcasm at its peak...😂

 22 days ago 

I know it is a diary post, and you did it justice, but boy, oh boy, those photos!! Those colors! "Bloody fantastic, mate!" As my Aussie friends would tell me.

In my language, we would say, "Jy mag maar." Meaning, there is no problem with you writing diary posts. You should entertain us more with them.

Good luck with the contest, and thank you for the invitation.

 22 days ago 

Thanks! How ya goin!!! I know I should write more diary posts to remain alive on this website, but I am not good at that. I have posted this as I wanted to take part in this community as they have supported me right from the beginning. Thank you so very much!

 22 days ago 

I'm doing just fine thank you.
I have my brother from Thailand visiting for a few days and we off to the beach to watch the sunrise.
There is no better way to start the day. (•ิ‿•ิ)

 22 days ago 

Yes there is no better way to watch the start the day especially if your loved ones are with you. So your brother lives in Thailand? That's another nice place to visit when I went twice years ago and this place is on my list. My best regards to you and your brother.

 21 days ago 

Yip, he's been living there for almost 15 years and loves every moment of it.
He is the editor of one of the top Asia-trendsetting magazines. He gets to see the world at the cost of his clients, like Rolls Royce, Rolex, etc.

I love Thailand! What makes it nice is that my brother takes us to places he discovered over the years that tourists don't get to see.

He thanked you for the regards. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you for sharing your day so explicitly and vividly. I could see how beautiful is the surrounding in fall through your lenses. You spend the first four hours of the day quickly in so many routine activities. You have the freedom to decide your menu. You also shared your nice indoor with photos. Wish you a healthy and joyful life.

 22 days ago 

Actually, there was nothing much to write after I sat on my working table. However as the diary posts are not my forte so I am not so sure what to write or what to leave. I have done what I could. Thanks a lot for your comment and support.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.

Curated by : @mvchacin

 22 days ago 

Thank you @mvchacin, much appreciated!

Hola amigo, me ha parecido particularmente interesante cómo describes tu rutina diaria con tal detalle y honestidad, reflejando la realidad de trabajar desde casa y cómo esto puede llevar a una vida monótona.

Los días en mi país también han estado bastante lluviosos, a veces eso no nos deja hacer todas las actividades que queríamos en el día, pero prefiero eso que volver al calor.

Esas fotos de los árboles me gustaron mucho y estoy de acuerdo contigo en que los diarios a veces también sirven para expresarte y plasmar lo que piensas, desde que comencé a hacerlo pienso que puede servir de catarsis.

 22 days ago 

Thanks mate, I will come and read how you spent your day! I am sure you must have had a wonderful time. I am still on official duty but as I am working from home so I get enough time for my other offline activities. Thanks again.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 22 days ago 


The colorful trees are so beautiful. Are there flowers or just big trees? It is a good thing that you helped your wife in preparing your breakfast since she was only interested in taking fruit. Morning walks are what keep most men fit, healthy, and strong and I am trying my best to develop myself by going out for morning walks.

In all and all your day went so well, filled with different activities and eating of foods. Thanks for the invitation and success to you sir.

 22 days ago 

These are leaves about to fall from the trees since it's winter here. Soon the weather will be too cold and going our for a walk will be difficult, I guess we all should help ladies in all the household work.

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