in #politics8 years ago


Fear is a deeply-rooted undergirding to many people's approach to life, and as such is not obvious on the surface much of the time. It reveals itself in subtler ways, in the every life and conversation of the human it is propelling and controlling.

Since fear thrives on inflating the most basic survival instincts of a human to an irrational degree, it can be revealed in how a human reacts to risk, to the unknown, and how they converse about the unknown, about danger, and general uncertainties.


One of the contaminations of fear that clings to the subconscious (often even in freer thinking people), is the vociferous hunt for a certain or definitive answer to a myriad of invented future potential problems, most of which are so improbable they will never be met with as an issue, and most of which can't even be solved before they are really experienced by the individual themselves.

To invent a what if scenario, the likes of which hasn't happened to YOU personally, and is unlikely to in even the foreseeable future, for the expressed purpose of trying to solve it with perfection ahead of time, is not only unreasonable, but doesn't make sense as an exercise based on how a reasoned individual lives their daily life.

I can't possibly know what all potentials outcomes or problems any day in life could bring, I can't predict that except for a base level of assuming that certain actions I am familiar with taking will have the same familiar results I am used to expecting, and even then I cannot predict that with any real sense of certainty.

To those that constantly want to try to answer "But what if X happens, how will I handle it?" I would counter, "What if LIFE happens? What if ANYTHING happens? Just like you live moment by moment, and moment by moment you decide what must be done, and within reason you prepare for what you need to do each day, each week, each month, each other person around you is doing the same. And until you meet with a totally unexpected issue, you can't know very well ahead of time what momentary goals, interpersonal factors, and situational details might motivate how you choose to decide something. Planning ahead has value, we are all planning ahead, but to ignore and fear the very real unknowns and to use that as an excuse to violently control your fellow man is irrational and wrong.


What is also an exercise in further insanity is to constantly be postulating on scenarios involving OTHER individuals that are not yourself ("Person A and Person B have X problem, what is the right course of action for Person A and Person B?"), and where simply PROPOSING the what if scenario, you presume yourself to be playing the 3rd, outside, God-mind that has omniscience of the entire situation and should get to decide what is right for Person A or B, though it is likely you yourself would never BE in such a position to make such a decision unless A or B themselves called upon your help.

I'm not pontificating on what if scenarios that I attempt to invent in order to have certainty about "what will be done about...?" because all of LIFE is a what if scenario, and I can't possibly know with any true certainty what it will bring. I can't know for any person A or B what A or B ought to do, that is precisely WHY I'm pro-freedom, why I don't believe in having government. If I can't even know with certainty what I might do given an issue presented tomorrow, from where do I derive a qualification or justification in trying to determine that for a non-existent person in an invented scenario which may or may not ever present itself to me?

The lie and greatest scheme of the state is to promise to answer with certainty how every potential threat or problem in life can be solved. When you see the absurdity of that, it no longer holds any appeal or lure over you, but when you believe in the illusory facade of ultimate security, you find yourself bowing to it, and endeavoring to maintain it in your mind, which contaminates your ability to freely live, to take valuable and necessary risks, to innovate and create, and to be bold in your decisions and actions.



“People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take.”
― Emma Goldman

Thanks for your inspiring post and lets build the collective inteligency that can make us take over the full control of our lifes!

I don't think there are quite enough dragon pictures in this post ;)

Great article as always. I gave you a shoutout in my latest post.

I would argue that anarchy (and have in my most recent article) is caused by the same fear and is just a different reaction to it. The fear is that the current system is broken (which is true) and there is no fixing it (which is not).

If I can't even know with certainty what I might do given an issue presented tomorrow, from where do I derive a qualification or justification in trying to determine that for a non-existent person in an invented scenario which may or may not ever present itself to me?

Now that's just entirely too reasonable, rational, and logical. Clearly someone should force you to stop thinking so clearly.

I love the vibe of your posts, you've created an awesome niche

This is only true divide in this world not race, religion , sex, or status.

Amen, sister dragon.

Fear rules the collective, binding it in a never ending spiral of pain and death.

Excellent as always. Thank you. I upvoted.

The Democrats and Republicans both serve the rich, and use the government to help them take advantage of We the People.

The Libertarians/Tea Party think that's inefficient.

If they get government out of the way, the rich can take advantage of the People directly - and save a lot of unnecessary paperwork in the bargain.

Libertarians want smaller government for the same reasons that crooks want fewer cops.

Libertarianism is the wolf of corporate fascism in the sheep's clothing of liberty.

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