
in #life8 years ago

You just can't live with them or without them. Sometimes those friends no exactly how to make you cry or even die from laughing too much.

The Best Friend

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Now who said there was no favourites amongst friends? This label is given to the best of your friends. What makes this friend your best? There could be a number of reasons. I have a few best friends and here are my reasons why they are my best friends.

One of my best friends has been my friend ever since we can remember. She has now "adopted" me and calls me here brother. We best friends because of the time which we have spent together.

Time is an important factor in a friendship, the more time you spend the better you get to know and trust your friend. Trust is also really important and trust is built in many different ways. Deep conversation with your friends builds this trust. One can still become a best friend just by being trustworthy and truly caring.

What is a friend?

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Definition: A person that uses you and gives nothing in return. Often one can encounter "friends" that do exactly this, other times your friend(s) could just really need you for a short time.

The chat buddy: one of the worst friends you can ever have at school... always getting you into trouble and for some reason its always your fault, they never get into trouble with you.

The True Friend

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These are really hard to find, when you find them keep them, never let them go. People come into your life as lessons, each person that you meet, you meet for a reason. People will come and go, friends will come and go, but those that stay will be those that are worth your time. As people and friends come and go, take the opportunity to learn from them.

True friends will always be there no matter what. Are you that true friend.


Caution, remove one letter (r) from "Friend" and you have "Fiend"... one must wonder which word came first.

The older you get the less real friends you have but the few left are most special

it is SOOOO important to try to be ready for what you believe in. I am not a huge christian, but I am a christian if that makes sense? I remember seeing a powerful poster in my Sunday School classroom, it was set at the time of the rapture and a man and his daughter was walking down a street as everyone was getting "beamed" up into heaven while this man did not. He watched as his daughter got sent to heaven without him.
This poster spoke so many words to me and i'll never forget that. I don't think anybody would want to experience what that man did in the poster.

On a side note, completely off this topic of the rapture.

My sister loved going to church Sundays and even more going to the youth group that took place Thursday nights. She would invite her non-christian friends to come on Thursdays as it was more of a service for the younger crowd with more up to beat music and more of a discussion then a sermon. This one girl started to go every Thursday and Sunday with her, and eventually got saved because of my sister. But eventually that one girl started to bully my sister inside the church and at school which ended up giving her no place to go to feel "safe".

It's sad that those things happen when you do so much for some people. It is even more sad that it's probably happening right now somewhere else in the world.

Anyways, thanks for spreading the word @redfishpclef You rock!