in #prayers5 years ago

Dreams as they say are just the product of overthinking.

Personally though, I believe that each dream suggests in one way or another as a precognotion of what might be in store for the humankind futuristically.

It reads 12:00 midnight, July 3,2019 at the moment that I am putting words to this article. As I was about to sleep some good fifteen minutes ago after browsing my FB feeds, Instagram posts, Tweets and my Youtube channel, I got ready for a good night rest. As I was about to close my lids, a sudden picture form in my mind. Don't know if it's a kind of a brief dream or perhaps a precognition...a premonition of something bad..(knock on the wood)...an old belief to ward off evils and some bad thoughts.
Picture is mine. Taken at Playa, Tanuan.

I just remembered my last night's dream. It involves a vast of water...again..just like another previous three or four dreams before. It was a kind of dream in which I was always shouting at the top of my lungs, though in my mind only, to give a forewarning to many others who seems too oblivious about a vast wave of water coming which I know is way too threatening. I always found myself thirsty after each dream. And here I am pondering about it since it just recently crosses my mind.

What do these vast of water that threatens to engulf mankind means?
Why is it seems I am somehow amidst all these scenes as if i am an spectator or a kind of hero?
Do these dreams suggest something fearful?
Is the END of the world drawing near?
Who will be save?
Would there be no any other chances to appease God Or the Gods to stop this brunt for us?
Are we indeed ready for this so called BIG ONE?A prophesied calamity that would devastate the whole human kind.

Our fervent prayers for OUR SALVATION oh Lord.

I am with utmost prayers for the whole humankind for OUR SALVATION. I think God is simply calling US to open the bible and see more beyond it. PRAYERS ARE THE KEY. PLEASE LET US PUT OUR HEARTS AND MINDS IN UNISON TO WARD ALL THESE EVILS. THE LORD GAVE US HIS ONLY SON FOR OUR SALVATION, SURELY HE WOULD NEVER LET US SUFFER ONCE MORE. 🙏🙏🙏


My thanks to my mentors @iwrite,@purpledaisy57 and sir @surpassinggoogle.😍😍😍