Long time, no seesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It's been almost a year since I've posted anything.

And what a year it's been...

I've really missed being here.  I've missed the creativity... the interaction... the community.

But I've been focused on... well, really on my health.  Physical, mental, emotional.   

Let me back up and try to summarize this last year quickly for you!  I had been a stay-at-home /homeschool mom for years.  YEARS, I say.   and then I had the opportunity to work from home for a company.  I think there is a teeny tiny part, locked away inside stay-at-home moms.... and probably especially those who also homeschool - that makes us feel like we have to prove that we're valuable.  not just to our families - but to society.

And of course - we KNOW this is bogus. Ridiculous, even!   Pfffft!  deep down we know that we have made sacrifices - and that those sacrifices are well worth it!!! We don't need validation from the likes of "them"! 

but (shhhhhh!) Come with me deeeeeeeper down, in the quiet, hidden corners of the mind.  Behind the bookshelf.... see it there?  that little secret?


  *opens and reads*  "we need to prove our worth."

I spent a lot of time working, working, and working.  Fixing many problems of a lot of people, and realizing that I was neglecting myself.                                       

I felt like a clock that was needing a solid wind up.  But I didn't have the energy to even lift a finger, let alone wind my own clock.

After realizing that it wasn't magically fixing itself... I finally went to the doctor.  My doctor was alarmed at my bloodwork.  Apparently, I WAS winding down.  I didn't even have the building blocks to make necessary (and kinda important) cells.  Turns out blood is REALLY essential for - you know - life. 

Here was a snippet of our conversation:

Doctor:  blah blah blah medical jargon and extensive education whizzing past my head.  (Normally, I would be tracking, but I couldn't bother to focus my mind long enough to inhale properly, let alone discern "smart words")

Me:  mm hmm.  uh huh.  (long yaaaaaaaaaawn)   so can you tell me that again- but dumber?

Doctor:  Sure.  see this number?  We never want to see it below 35.

Me:  mmmkay.   got it. 35. So what's mine?  Like a 34?

Doctor:  3

Me:   We should probably fix that.

And we did.   (I think.)  but it took time, and some guesswork.  I'm feeling a lot better now, and I'm actually APPLYING a lot of the amazing health and nutrition stuff that I've been learning the past 7 years.  so - win/win! 

And now I'm back to Steemit :)  Ready to make my little mark on the Steemiverse!  


p.s.  thanks @creatr for never giving up on me ;)


Welcome back! Glad to hear you've come back from the brink.

Thanks so much!!! I appreciate the kind welcome!

You're welcome.

Welcome back! ;)



Heyyyyy you resteemed me 😊
Thank you for that "welcome back" gift hehehehe

You're welcome, Dear... ;)

Welcome back ... wonderful story ... made me look in the mirror lol

Hahhahaa which part??? :)

Lol all of it ... the part where you're constantly given more work with fewer and fewer resources ... the mountain gets higher but there are fewer and fewer sherpas to get you there

Sherpas!!!!!! 😂😂😂 All of your comments make me laugh!!! Please don't ever stop commenting on my posts 😄
(And sounds like you need a new job!) Lol just go insane and leave.. like I did!!
Hehe hmmmmm but how to replace that income??? Comedy writer???
You're hired! I can pay you in pine cones. I live in the woods so I'm like the Bill Gates of pine cones.
Step 2. Find out how to pay your bills in pine cones....

Welcome back @dreemsteem. I wondered where you were. I took a few months off too and came back in October or September, or sooner, I can't remember now.

It was tough getting going again because I basically had to start all over - I powered down to 0. And some of the friends I had moved on (understandable) and some, well, a couple welcomed me back.

So here I am too, posting and making a few pennies here and there :)

Hey @countrygirl!!!! Yep... I feel the same about starting over. @creatr kept telling me to write a post or two ... But I just couldn't. So much going on in my life. Writing felt like it was something on my to do list instead of the joy I wanted it to be. Life had to settle down before I could return... And it finally seems to have come to that point! :) So glad to see you're still here too! (And I hope your break was what you needed to) looking forward to interacting with you again!!! :)

@creatr asked about me a few times too. He was concerned. He's a good overseer.

I had an approach avoidance thing happening for the first bit - and sometimes I still do because things have change a lot since - there is a lot of crappy content now to weed through. And a lot of cliques and groups - like FB - I don't do FB but that's how I envisioned it.

Keep in touch!

I DID do FB... And it IS just as you envisioned it lol
And it's why I don't do it anymore!!!

I agree. I hate cliques... But then I unwittingly find myself in one that I love and make exceptions for it hahahaha

Ain't that always the way? Lol but I'm not afraid to go OUTSIDE of that clique... And invite people in as well! So maybe that helps?? :)

The hardest thing about steemit is there isn't enough time to really devote yourself to following up on what everyone is doing! I hope I get back into the groove soon :)

I find the hardest thing about steemit is not having very much steem to share.
And time. It does take a long time to answer people with a decent reply.

You'll be groovin' and rocking it before you know it.

i agree... i want my vote to actually matter!! and i know it does- in affection, and appreciation, and support. and those are all good things! but i want someone to get a little thrill when i add my vote into the mix hehehe.

and i don't need whale status! i mean honestly - it would be so fun to be able to regularly give people 50 cents! i'd even be happy with 25 cents hehehehe

but the problem with me is... i keep voting! LOL and then i'm down to trifles. LOL

makes me think of that song
"...if you haven't got a penny, a half penny will do. if you haven't got a half-penny, then God bless you!" hahahahaha


Yeah, they don't deserve you.

I'm glad you're back!

Oy. Burned my adrenals to ashes. Lol which caused the other stuff to surface too. So I guess it's a good thing cuz I really did need some serious treatment. A few doctors in the past had expressed some alarm at my labs... But since I FELT normal, I just ignored it lol.

But this last time... I definitely couldn't ignore it anymore!

I go back to my doctor in San Diego in March (we moved 7 hours away in November lolol but I couldn't give my doctor up cuz she's THAT amazing) so I'm really hoping that she's got continued good news for me!!! :)

And yeahhhhhh they didn't deserve me! I agree!!!!! Lolol so they can take that whip......


As I tell my sister, If you do not take care of yourself, you are of absolutely no use to anyone and actually become a burden to others.

It sounds mean, but many moms and grandmoms as well as dads and grand-dads need that reminder now and again when they sacrifice for the sake of others. Ones health and personal well-being should be center stage. It is not being selfish, it is ensuring that one is at their best so that they may be of help to their loved ones.

It doesn't sound mean to me!!!! It sounds like the good swift kick in the behind that I needed!!!! :)
I DID become a burden. Having my children worry over my health is not the legacy that I wanted to pass on!!!! Thankfully it's been a year and I do FEEL better. Will get more labs done and see the doctor in March after our desperately needed vacation!!! Hoping those blood cells are round, red, juicy little suckers!!!!! Lololololol

Thank you friend!!!!! 🙂

Nice post...
May you have more success in life..
Keep it up..

thank you so much! I appreciate your wishes for me :)

Welcome back on steem line bro... I think Long time no see is better suited...
Wish you all the best... ✌🏻

Thanks!!! But not a bro.... but a sis. Lol @dreemsteem is female 😊

Lolx...Sorry I didn't know that 🙂

Hahaha! No worries!!! 😊 It's a mistake a lot of people make. Not sure why? Lol the name dreemsteem must sound male!!! Lol a lot of people are surprised when they hear me speak in discord... 😂😂😂
Then they say... Oh!!!!!! You are female!!! Lololol
Yes... Very much so 🤣

Yeah it is impossible to suggest by name and without any DP on account that whether it is female account or male...
Keep on shocking the people... 😉

right! shocking can be fun! hehehehe

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