What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..
What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..
저는 부산에 살아서 아직 단화로도 끄떡없는데 며칠전에 서울갔더니 저런신발이 정말 필요한거같더라구요... 눈도 오고 날씨도 춥구요. 잘보고갑니다^^
서울은 이제 또 한파가 온다고 하더라구요
부산을 어떨지 모르겟지만 갑자기 추워지기전에 하나 준비하시면 좋을것 같아요!
카리부 부츠 너무 예뻐서 보는 순간 눈 커졌어요 ㅇ0ㅇ) 저 투박함도 넘 이쁘네요 그리구 제가 수족냉증있는데 저 부츠신으면 정말 발이 사르르 녹을 것 같아서 구매하고싶네요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
카리부는 수족냉증에도 땀이 날정도로 방한 기능이 좋다고 해요
영하 40도 추위에서도 견딜수 있게 만들어진 신발이라 도움이 되실거에요!