Do you still think the regular news is giving you the facts? Context, and knowledge matter...

in #news7 years ago (edited)

So when I launch chrome it generally opens to the page which is just a news aggregator. I could say it is very biased and agenda driven. This is true of most places even the alternative sites. The problem is that it seems to be only the mainstream media and the sites this google aggregator panders to that do not want you to question. They will tell you how it is, won't bother to back up the claims they make, and will continue to push debunked claims as though evidence debunking them had not come out. Furthermore, while their trust and numbers are plummeting even at small percentages of people that exclusively still get news from such sources that is still A LOT of people.

Yet, for me it is annoying to realize that on any given day when that website pops up the top post is going to likely be about Trump whether he is the most important thing going on that day, that week, etc or not. The agenda is clear "don't stop talking about Trump, repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth". Is Trump a saint or great? That's for individuals to decide. I've known for some time that the mainstream media is pushing an agenda of lies. They are backed by people claiming Trump has made actions that in reality it is they that have been doing them. This is right out of "Rules for Radicals" which was written by Saul Alinsky who Hillary Clinton was in frequent contact with and even did a thesis on his works.

This morning as I fired up my browser here is the top story on

Do you know what really makes me angry about this? It isn't that it has anything to do with Trump. It is that they are STILL playing upon the ignorance of the masses.

You see most of the masses don't actually know anything about hacking. They only know what is shown to them in CSI, NCIS, Movies, and others sources that seek to glamorize it. Well what they don't know is these depictions of hacking are FAKE. They are a facade of what hacking is, what computer security is, how it works, etc. It is set in a way that is fun to watch as the real thing would be quite boring as a spectator engagement.

I'm going to say it now. They have ZERO proof that the Russians hacked anything. They don't even have anything that technically could be classified as evidence. I will explain why, as you see this IS MY FIELD. In my day to day job I have to deal with hackers and compromised machines on almost a weekly basis.

First let that set in... If I am dealing with it on a weekly basis why are people not getting arrested?

Well first contrary to popular television and movies actually tracing a hacker back to their location is nearly impossible these days. At one time it was not, but it has become increasingly difficult over time.

The crux of it is this. When you are on the internet you are given an IP ADDRESS. Think of that as you would a POST OFFICE BOX. Some people have static IP addresses which mean that IP address never changes. I have one at my house, all of my clients do, and typically servers require them (not always). So if I were to hack from my house and jump into say the DNCs server the logs (if I didn't delete them) would show a login and what I did from my IP ADDRESS. Since it is a static IP address they could then contact my Internet Service Provider (ISP) and get my physical address.

The MSM Russian hacking narrative is not even using that detail. The only evidence they have claimed have been 1) a Phishing email John Podesta supposedly opened, and 2) supposedly a Cyrillic keyboard was used by the hacker.

First. Phishing emails and scripts are freely shared all over the internet. The Russians (people/citizens not necessarily the government) do write a lot of hacking tools that anyone can use and share them on the internet. Why? It is not actually illegal for people to hack in Russia provided they do not hack sites within Russia. This is what I learned from a documentary on the subject. This may have changed since that documentary. So a Phishing email... That could literally have been done by anyone anywhere that bothered to do a quick search and find some scripts they can use. With the amount of spam and things in your junk folder it should be apparent it does not take a hacking genius to put these things together. It also would be pretty sloppy and less direct than a Nation State(aka government) would do.

Second. The Cyrillic keyboard. There are people that use such keyboards all over the world. They do tend to go along with Russian language, but that does not mean they are from Russia. You cannot prove someone is from Russia simply from the type of keyboard. Furthermore, recent wikileaks Vault 7 releases have shown that the CIA intentionally uses such keyboards to try to frame other targets for acts. Do we know this was done? No. Yet it is just as likely as the narrative claimed by things like this news article that set me off this morning.

So that is the TWO pieces of evidence I've heard referred to. They don't prove anything. They'd be meaningless in court.

Let's return to the IP ADDRESS situation though. As if a hacker is stupid enough or extremely new and ignorant enough to hack from their own IP ADDRESS and not purge it from logs, or do it while someone else is doing a packet capture (which they wouldn't know) then that hacker can and will get caught.

There is a second type of IP ADDRESS which most of you are using now. It is called a Dynamic IP address. It is typically handed out by what is known as a DHCP server. When you connect to some network at your house, at a coffee shop, etc it will reach out looking for a DHCP server. They'll do what is called a handshake where they basically discuss how to talk. The DHCP server will tell your computer or device "You get to be IP address" or something like that where the number 56 is the important part for you. It will also tell your computer that the gateway is or something like that.

It assigns that IP address 56 to you from a pool. When your machine disconnects it marks that IP address as available to be used again.

Now the gateway itself likely has a static IP address (but not always) and that address will be something that is unique to it on all of the internet. It is how the rest of the internet knows to find it.

Anyone using the internet from that gateway will appear to the rest of the world to be coming from that address. So if there are 200 machines using that gateway and one of them is used to hack a server. That server will show a login from the gateway IP address. At that point we can conclude that the hacker was using one of those 200 machines. By the way, most of you at your house are going through a DHCP server with your ISP unless you are paying for a static IP address.

Now if they can get access to the gateway itself and it has good enough logs they can potentially find out which MAC address (unique hardware address though they can be spoofed) was the culprit at a given time. Most gateways do not keep such active logs as it would quickly fill up their memory and/or storage space.

Yet that all assumes the hacker is either stupid or ignorant.

What a hacker would really do if they knew what they were doing would be several things.

1st) They might use what is known as a VPN server so they are going through a service that creates a virtual tunnel and totally hides their own IP address. There are free and paying services for this all over the internet as it has legit uses as well such as allowing remote users to safely connect to work network without compromising the security of that network.

2nd) They likely would compromise other machines and devices yet. Once you do this you can hop through them like a chain. This part they do show correct on television and movies. The hopping part. What they totally get wrong is how easy it is to track back to the source. It doesn't work remotely close to like they show on those things.

The logs on the server that is hacked will show the last IP (the last HOP) of the person connected. If they are packet capturing while the hack is occurring they could find that IP. Go to whois or some other registry and find out who owns that IP. They can then call that persons server admin and maybe setup a packet capture there and show the next hop it is coming from. They would then need to whois, and contact that admin.

They don't have the ability to simply do that automatically. It would take a lot of phone calls and time. Furthermore, this only works reliably if you can do it WHILE the hack is occurring. It is almost pointless to do after the fact.

If you get to one of those hops and it happens to be an entry point for an anonymous VPN then at that point the trail is lost.

These are simple things to do for any hacker that has a basic understanding of such things. A government would certainly qualify, for if their hackers don't know this basic stuff then in reality their hackers suck and are no threat. Russia's hackers don't suck.

So basically this entire narrative so far is bullshit. Yet it keeps being pushed it keeps being stressed. Let's keep prodding and poking at Russia simply because we don't like Trump and see if we can restart the cold war or perhaps a big ass world war.

That is information based purely from a technical understanding of how the internet and hacking works.

Now let's get into the other issue. None of the government agencies claiming there is evidence were even given access to the servers. They are being fed this information about evidence from a third party company. This is "Just take our word for it" being treated as evidence.

This discussion is all based upon fantasy and is fake. If you want to see the definition of FAKE NEWS this would certainly qualify as it is complete bullshit and it has been complete bullshit since it was first spoken. Anyone that truly understands hacking would know it is once we started hearing what their supposed evidence was, lack of access to the servers, etc.

Yet they keep pushing it... why?

Because it actually has nothing to do with Russia and hacking other than war and the cold war being profitable. It is more about the people that own those news companies not being happy that Donald Trump won the election after the media put so much time and effort into getting Hillary elected. For the first time in my life the media failed to force the population to elect someone they like. They are panicking. They are losing their control. They are desperate to regain it.

So why do I get angry? I get angry because this entire Russian hacking narrative is preying upon the ignorance of the population when it comes to how hacking and catching hackers actually works. Because the population knows almost nothing about how this stuff really works they are spinning a fairy tale as though it is true. Let me tell you it is just as implausible if they started telling you that Putin has a secret herd of unicorns that he kills and skins to make his clothes.

EDIT: And I happened to see that page again...


To which I can only say "No shit? Why wouldn't he?" That is completely normal behavior and what anyone would do in a normal year. However, if your name is Donald Trump suddenly ordinary behavior is written in news articles as though it wouldn't be. Hillary would jump all over a meeting like that if they had damaging information she could use against Trump. Yet, the news which I am becoming to despise due to their so obvious yet also so stupidly executed agenda would have you look at every NORMAL thing as though it is not normal. At least if it has anything to do with Trump.

EDIT 2: And then another day... I wake up fire up my browser

2nd story listed is this one

Those are both in Top Stories section. A little further down is the World section. Here is the first one there:

The sad thing with this pattern is it is not as bad as it was a month or two ago. During those times I'd say easily 75% of the headlines seemed to be Trump bashing. So in that sense it is less in quantity, but they still are pushing the same narratives over and over again. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. Doesn't seem to be working out that way.


Great post, it is so obvious to me that the whole mass media propaganda is the real fake news. I`m wondering for how long they will more cllicks from my side :-)

Truth. And even more than you know.

I only scan the UK Daily Mail online for my fake news. Whatever story is on top with the best photos is the biggest lie/hoax of the day.

I look for for no blood at "crime" scenes along with smiling crisis actors. They outdid themselves with this recent meeting of bigwigs in Germany. Every scene of "protesters" was full of smiling non-bleeding fakers.

Then I go on in peace, secure in the knowledge that everything in the mainstream is one big lie told by evil-doing liars.

Here in Bangkok, when there is a car wreck or any other catastrophe, the bloody photos are online; posted by media and bystanders. The contrast is dramatic.

As for hacking - hack away, people. Expose these lunatics in any way possible.

That is a good point, I will have to look more closely at the photos they show from no won. Didn't think to look for blood when they say something happened like a car wreck and what not.

Will be sure to keep my eyes out for blood! Though I don't like the sight of it :(

Well, it is fake news, so never fear.

This was a big difference I noticed in Bangkok. If a car runs over the person - you will be seeing blood splatter and gore in the news photos here even if they pixel out the person's head.

However, when the "terrorists" set off bombs down south in the "disputed" areas - no blood! Those scenes are just as comical as in the west. Hmm....

@dwinblood how do you expect to get anywhere actually providing substantive information?

Russia "hacked" the election and we only have to point to the National Enquirer's story about aliens to "prove" it. The debate is over.

And we have this DNA analysis that was completed in 3 minutes to prove it too.

Damn... you caught me. :P

Back in May, I spent a month one weekend, sharing a house with my 3 sisters while we all visited our 84 & 85 year old parents.

I had promised our Mom I wouldn't get into any arguments with my sisters.

We've grown in different directions, I chose forward.

They criticized me because I wasn't being friendly enough while they all watched one of their favorite TV shows, Scorpion.

In that particular episode, our heroes were stranded on a tropical island after a plane crash. How they managed to be thousands of miles off course in a matter of an hour or so, wasn't explained.

And while the totally intact WWII Japanese pillbox with a navigation chart with their island circled in red sitting exposed on top of a table was totally believable, the dialysis machine they whipped up from a coffee maker and some citrus peels seemed just a little too contrived.

I kept my headphones on and did language lessons on

But I'm the bad guy.

Hey, it's fun. Entertainment. Nobody expects scientific accurancy here.

It is worse in the crime series the police does 5 illegal things on average. Often also lying about peoples rights (which they somehow never know, and if they do they are the criminal...)

Intelligent people don't expect scientific accuracy, the masses think it's real.

This is the problem. Fantasy is fine. Until it is treated as reality.

I've started reading expecting one thing, and get much more. Excellent text @dwinblood. Upvoted, of course.

Strong Post!
Upvote and Follow!

Same agenda as always, divide and conquer, spread the fear, with a few messages from the corporate sponsors in between the propaganda.

This is right out of "Rules for Radicals" which was written by Saul Alinsky who Hillary Clinton was in frequent contact with and even did a thesis on his works.

It does look like you

don't bother to back up the claims they make


poking at Russia simply because we don't like Trump

Isn't it "accusing Russia even when we don't like Trump" instead of because?
But maybe that is the US / Europe difference again.

Not sure what you're getting at. The Saul Alinsky stuff is common knowledge if you even bother to look it up. Hillary has even written and spoken about it.

You see my claims you CAN research. You can look for yourself rather than expecting me to do it for you. I also am not telling you to NOT do it. The mainstream media often is. Their claims also cannot be researched to find the evidence as they've been caught frequently outright fabricating it lately. Right down to fake protest scenes. Right down to supposedly being in Iraq with air raid sirens, bombs, etc when it all was in front of a green screen and the original material has been leaked. Right down to supposedly having a person in New York interviewing someone in another country and having the same vehicle drive past BOTH locations only to find out it all happened in the same parking lot.

Isn't it "accusing Russia even when we don't like Trump" instead of because?

I'm not sure what you meant here. So I don't really know how to answer.

I will tell you that things between Russia and U.S. have not been bad and have actually been amiable until The Ukrainian events, which there is a possibility the U.S. had a lot to do with that, and now Trump,

There haven't been major tensions between Russia and the U.S. since Gorbachev and the fall of the Soviet Union until recently.

There is an agenda of endless war. If you look up the "Project for A New American Century" also known as PNAC they have a paper on Rebuilding Americas Defenses. It was written prior to 9/11. The group of people that wrote it were what would become known as the Neo-Conservatives. They finally were accepted and infiltrated BOTH parties of the U.S. when George Bush and Dick Cheney were elected. They actually desired a constant state of war and unrest. It gave opportunity to build and expand. Call it imperialism if you will.

Their agendas have continued under Obama, and Hillary and the things she says and her actions make it seem she is also very much in line with the Neo-Con agenda. Now this is the U.S.

It does seem Europe may have similar problems, as a lot was JUSTIFIED around the world due to Terrorism, 9/11, and terrorist acts in Europe.

What all of it means... I can't tell you on the european side. I can tell you what I've seen and researched for years on the U.S. side.

Not sure what you're getting at. The Saul Alinsky stuff is common knowledge if you even bother to look it up.

Same goes for "Russia hacked us" and "Chemtrails" and "The Earth is Flat" and "Pizzagate" and...

Sorry for made you write such a big answer.

Isn't it "accusing Russia even when we don't like Trump" instead of because?

I'm not sure what you meant here. So I don't really know how to answer.

Exactly as I wrote. People here are accusing Russia of everything while nobody likes Trump. So it cannot be because of Trump.

Exactly as I wrote. People here are accusing Russia of everything while nobody likes Trump. So it cannot be because of Trump.

Yeah I noticed that in EU news as well. Yet it didn't seem to kick in until about a month after it was already going strong in the U.S. Appeal to Popularity doesn't prove anything. I believe it was actually a desired agenda as the cold war was very profitable, and a good way for certain power consolidation. So that definitely could be part of the motive though I don't know... just guessing. I do know the Russia narrative didn't appear until after emails for DNC started appearing then hugely related to Trump. They then seemed to spread. So I believe it started as heavily did as part of the anti-Trump agenda. I do believe it has grown into something quite beyond that as you indicate now.

Russia was under constant attack since crimea.

Not so much in the U.S. There was some news, but now a large amount of our news focuses on Russia.

Awesome article that cuts through all the BS we have to wade through each and every day from all sources of "news". Thank you also for the technical teaching.

When I was in my marketing course during my MBA (17 years ago), the professor gave an incredible insight I had never heard before. He said that marketers target the average American and that an average American has a 6th grade mentality!

It is no longer possible to get truth in any media source or from any government. It's all about an agenda, about manipulation of the masses to get them to believe their "truth" and to sway the masses for their personal benefit.

I think the world has made a sad turning point. No one will ever again be able to know the truth so they can form an opinion and direct their life based on that truth. Instead, they will form their opinions based on how often they hear something.

I might add that it's a bit like the "consensus" on global warming. Every day of the week I see one or more articles about how global warming will soon cause devastation to the world. Yet, we've had 75 major temperature swings in the last 4,500 years and the world is still humming along. What could the agenda be? I don't know, lots of people making money off alternative energy (Al Gore), more scientists today than at any time in history and they need to be employed...

I up-voted, resteemed and followed! Please write more articles. We need a reliable source of truth from people who actually think.

The younger folks here on Steemit may think I am fantasizing, but I remember the times that we used newspapers and tv-news to learn about the facts in the world. It used to be like that, say 1 or 2 generations ago.
Now unfortunately, we have to spend hours and hours and hours on twitter, youtube, facebook, comparing what we hear on RT with that of CNN and CGTN to figure out what comes closest to the truth and to learn what the MSM have been silent about.

And back then there were also still more journalists who followed what they were taught in journalism and ethics. Now days they have been caught saying "such things sound cute, but they are bad business". At one point they got business by being the best source of news. Now they do whatever they can to generate good ratings and that often has very little to do with good news.

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