What does it mean to be a light-worker? TSU Bi Weekly Question

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Love & light she said in parting, but what did she mean by light? When we talk about the light are we just talking about the sunshine or is it something else? This world is full of light and darkness, and one of the best ways I've heard it described was by none other than Yoda in the all time classic star wars! It was said that the dark side seeks to control things externally, whereas those that use the force seek to understand and control things from the inner.

"Close your eyes. Feel it. The light…it's always been there. It will guide you." – Maz Kanata

When we are working with the force, we should know that we are tapping into powers and knowledge that are far greater than we possess individually. Those that choose or are chosen to be a light worker are the ones that live and honour life, and seek overall harmony and balance in the world.

"Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, and find him you will." Yoda

Light-workers are given any knowledge or support that is needed to perform their role or task. They are not solo acts like Darth Vader was, and are are the ultimate team players. Some are born into the role and are Power Houses who return time and time again to assist us, whilst others are just starting on this path and have much to learn. A light-worker never chooses their tasks on their own, but instead their desire to assist or help comes from the heart where all desires are one. A responsible light-worker will always check in and 'ask for permission' before doing anything, we always need permission to act in this free will universe! That is a prime directive of a light-worker! We should not interfere without permission!

"In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way." (Yoda)

So what is this light that we speak of, and how can we get information or knowledge from it!? Light is just light right? Well not quite! Think about optic fibres that carry all our internet data traffic around the world. They are based solely on the transmission of data using light as a carrier wave, at incredible speeds, and with almost no signal loss.

"Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future, the past. Old friends long gone." Yoda

Well, things are much the same with the cosmic Light that we draw in from all around us.. it contains information from far distant stars, and galaxies and those who are attuned to it are able to tap into great knowledge, all knowledge! They are able to use universal knowledge to help bring balance or heal whatever they are called to. Some people I know are incredible light-workers, and not only heal people and animals but also earth points and lay lines. They know who they are, and let me tell you it can be hard work! Being a light-worker can be a full time job for some and they follow their guidance as and when it comes.

"I am a Jedi. I'm one with the Force, and the Force will guide me." – Ganodi

We all work in our own way, using the gifts we are given. Some of us are great healers, and can help people who are suffering. Others are incredible artists or creators who produce the music and movies that inspire us. There is no one kind of light-worker, and so I really don’t want to put any labels on it. Anyone can be a light-worker, if they so choose, but some are born into the role.

There are great saints and sadhus who live deep in the mountains of the Himalayas. They are some of the most powerful light-workers on this planet! These highly enlightened and ascended masters came back explicitly to bring light and love into this world through deep inner meditations and spiritual work. They never need to physically leave the mountains, and they pump phenomenal light and love into every corner of the planet. I have once experienced something spontaneously that felt like I was bringing great light into the world. It was a beautiful and eye opening experience, that I did not choose consciously but gave me an awareness into how power we can actually wield and what we can do energetically.

Have you ever wondered if you are a light-worker? If you have then here are the signs to look out for!

- You feel called to help heal or guide others
- You are sensitive to energies or empathic
- You possess gifts of mediumship or psychic abilities
- You feel strongly about environmentalism and the treatment of animals
- You feel an affinity to the healing arts and have explored many healing modalities
- You are very aware of your own fears and the fears of those around you
- You experienced a strong spiritual awakening You love being around people but also need your alone time to recharge
- You are aware of the power of your thoughts and your ability to manifest

With that said, it is my belief that we are ALL light-workers really.. but some are more conscious about it than others. Some of us have to play the part of the bad guy and they are just as relevant and important as the good guys. It is not about good and bad, but about balance. When we can understand the important of balance and a higher state of consciousness, we may embark on our journey as a light worker.

"To be Jedi is to face the truth, and choose. Give off light, or darkness, Padawan. Be a candle or the night. May The Force Be With You!"


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Great post, Alex! This is a topic that is still hidden knowledge for some people, so I admire you for bringing in into the light of attention. 😉

thank you! yes, its funny because we all KNOW about it, but only in our movies.. <3

Love it, but I totally would have included this one:

"Try not! Do, or do not. There is no try"

& This one:

"...but thats totally different" "NO! No different, only different in your mind. Look at me, judge me by my size do you? And where you should not, as my ally is the force, and a powerful alley it is."


"I don't believe it" - "That is why you fail"

When I was younger, I could actually recite the entire first trilogy by heart without any slips. I was obsessed, disappointed with what Disney has turned it into though. I have seen every single Star Wars movie in theaters up until The Last Jedi, I gave up after that. Lucas 4Life!

haha! good one! yes that is one of my favorites try not, Do, or do not. There is no try.. ooh Yoda!

Totally witih you on the new versions. ugh.. whatever!

lol, idk how Disney has not picked up on how disappointed SW fans are with the new movies. I think they must have felt it a little however, when they saw the best movie they have made so far (SOLO) tank in the box offices due to the lack of hype surrounding The Last Jedi.

To be easy going.

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