
Wikipedia has the story and the quoted text in a more readable format.

Nobody should be labelled "idiot" for giving a description of how the world looks. A physicist gathering experimental evidence for the theories of Albert Einstein does of course know the earth is not flat. I can imagine the portholes also contributing to this "2D-vision".

It's needed with a good and tight pressurized vessel to bring humans up to 50000 feet. The first pressurized flight cabins was created only ten years earlier.

50000 feet is not that high; modern commercial passenger airliners of today has 40000 feet as the maximum operating flight height (not because they can't fly higher, but because of security regulations - in case of a decompression event, fatalities can happen relatively fast if the plane stays at above 40 kft - for one thing, the standard emergency oxygen masks won't work well above 40 kft - even 100% oxygen it's not enough in such low pressures). Quite many ordinary flight passengers of today have probably seen the earth from almost comparable heights.

Rather non-scientific, but still interesting:

  • They had to improvise to fix helium leaks on the way up (I wonder what the full balloon looked like, I can imagine the balloon itself should be rather difficult to access from the pressurized vessel.
  • Despite the leak (that probably wasn't plugged very well) that they had problems descending (and almost ran out of oxygen)
  • According to the photo on Wikipedia they made some really funny-looking helmets from straw baskets and textiles.
  • If the photos are to be believed, scientists from that time of the history always wears formal clothes with a tie or a bow tie - I believe modern scientists going for such a mission would chose quite different clothing.

He probably told his constituents want they wanted to hear, or what he wanted them to believe in; that the Earth was a concave sort of disk.

Nowadays anybody looking across the horizon in an airplane at 35,000 feet, witnesses for themselves that the horizon has a concave shape, therefore suggesting a spherical planet...IF that is want you want to see.

False, you don't see a curve on a plane - it doesn't even make sense mathematically to see a curve on a plane. And that is fact. Next time you're on an airplane, take a picture and post it here on Steemit. In fact, you don't even see a curve from a high altitude weather balloon 20 miles up in the sky. Do the research ;) peace!

So quotes of accounts of people flying high is acceptable evidence?

Because we have plenty of those, and they all say the earth is round. We even have living people you can interview.

For the first time in my life I saw the horizon as a curved line. It was accentuated by a thin seam of dark blue light — our atmosphere. Obviously this was not the ocean of air I had been told it was so many times in my life. I was terrified by its fragile appearance.

— Ulf Merbold

we are talking about people that are not paid by government.

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