in #history7 years ago (edited)

Zuma Rock is a large monolith, an igneous intrusion composed of gabbro and granodiorite, that is located in Niger State, Nigeria. It rises spectacularly immediately north of Nigeria's capital Abuja, along the main road from Abuja to Kaduna off Madala, and is sometimes referred to as the "Gateway to Abuja from Suleja."[1] Zuma Rock rises 725 metres (2,379 ft) above its surroundings Zuma rock is also believe to have some mystries behind it like a face which people belive that has strange powers which causes multiple road traffic accident,death, and disappearance of people it may interest you to know that a tourist centre comprising of a hotel as being under construction without it completion till date as a result of death /disappearance of the construction worker beware of it and be careful by the right hand side you will see the tourist centre comprising of a hotelimage.pngplease 👆 upvote me thank you .

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