The Delicious Orange Cake (Original) 美味的橙子蛋糕

in #food8 years ago

Although I can not write a program, if one day the invention of the robot, can automatically produce, I also liberated, relaxed, and each recipe is going to learn and hand-made, Tomorrow the children to school, and this morning for children to do the food is very special, but also my first attempt to join the production of fruit to reconcile the cake, very delicious

Need to use the ingredients: oranges, eggs, cheese, sugar, milk

Specific steps are as follows:
Oranges cut into pieces, marinated with sugar, add boiling water, orange water will be used to make cakes

Egg and milk foam

Baking pan into the oil paper, pour the cake material, put chopped oranges

Oven 160 degrees, 8 minutes

After cooling rolled up, cut into pieces

在这里发布食谱我已经坚持原创几个月了,也许steemit是原创食物最多的作者,因为有人说这些内容将来很有用,所以我决定继续做下去,有时候发到我朋友圈里,朋友们的点赞让我很开心,steemit有些奖历是动力, 我还能继续坚持原创多久,我也不知道, 只要我小孩喜欢,我会一直做下去, 看过我文章的朋友都知道,大部分食谱都是为儿童准备的. 这就是我们的生活.

虽然我不会写程序,如果有一天发明的机器人,能自动制作,我也就解放了,轻松了, 每一道食谱都是要去学习和亲手制作, 如果只是网络上转发也许更容易, 但我并不想这么做.
需要用到的食材: 橙子,鸡蛋,奶酪,糖,牛奶

  1. 橙子切成片,用糖腌制, 放入开水煮,橙子水将用来制作蛋糕
  2. 鸡蛋和牛奶打泡发
  3. 烤盘放入油纸,倒入蛋糕原料,放上切好的橙子
  4. 烤箱160度, 8分钟
    5 冷却后卷起来,切成块

Hey @elfkitchen, I want to invite you and your food photos to a group of content makers. We are trying to get 25 people who are posting original work to auto-upvote each other.
Her is the link if you are interested:

Nice work, I will add tag #contentmakers in the future

OH man! This looks so delicious!

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