in #esteem7 years ago

Hari ini Kamis tanggal 19 April 2018 di kota Lhokseumawe sedang berlangsung ujian sekolah berstandar nasional ( USBN ) mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk tingkat SMA. Saya selaku pengawas silang mendapat tugas mengawas di salah satu SMA di kota Lhokseumawe tercinta.

Today Thursday April 19, 2018 in the city of Lhokseumawe ongoing national school standard exams (USBN) subjects of Islamic Education for high school level. I, as a cross-supervisor, got the task of supervising in one of the high schools in my beloved Lhokseumawe town.

Sekitar jam 7 pagi saya sudah berada di sekolah tersebut. Suasana terlihat masih lengang. Beberapa pengawas sudah mulai berdatangan.

Around 7 am I was at the school. The atmosphere looks still empty. Some supervisors are starting to arrive .



Sayapun memasuki ruangan dewan guru. Sebagian pengawas dari berbagai Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas di kota Lhokseumawe juga sudah berada di ruangan. Tampak panitia sedang mengobrol santai. Soal-soal sudah siap tersusun rapi. Pelaksanaan ujian akan dilaksanakan pada jam 8.00 pagi.

I entered the boardroom of teachers. Some of the supervisors from the various High Schools in Lhokseumawe are also in the room. The committee was chatting casually. The questions are ready. Implementation of the exam will be held at 8:00 am.


Tepat jam 7.45 wib bel dibunyikan dan para pengawas bergerak mengambil soal serta segera menuju ruangan kelas. Saya mendapat tugas mengawas di ruang 11. Setelah membuka ruangan dan para siswa masuk ruangan dengan tertib, sayapun siap membagikan soal-soal.

At 7:45 am the bell sounded and the supervisors took the matter and immediately headed for the classroom. I got the task of supervising in room 11. After opening the room and the students entered the room in an orderly manner, I am ready to share the questions .


Selanjutnya tepat jam 8 pagi ujian dimulai. Siswa-siswa mengerjakan soal-soal dengan tekun dan bersemangat.

Next right at 8 am the exam starts. Students do the questions diligently and passionately.



Harapan saya semoga pelaksanaan USBN ini berlangsung sukses dan para siswa berhasil lulus semuanya dengan nilai yang sangat baik.
Demikian postingan saya hari ini semoga ada manfaatnya. Salam.

Hopping this USBN implementation is successful and the students successfully pass everything with excellent value.
So thats all my post today may be useful. Regards.


Semoga semua siswa berhasil dengan memuaskan

very good work I had to use a translator did not understand very well