I Will Be Fine
How many of us live thinking that people around us must change so that we can be well, that we do not live peacefully because of others, or that we must move away from such people for our life to change.
But today I want to tell you that there is nothing more wrong than thinking like that, we live as we decide to live, it does not depend on physical, emotional, social and much less economic situations, as you decide to live, so will you. The same happens with our surroundings, others should not change for me to live well, no, I must change, I must begin to look at things differently, I must begin to be well, in peace, in tranquility, in transforming my life and be a blessing to others.
When I decide to be well, that day I will begin to be a blessing to others as well, that day your life will begin to be different, that day you will begin to receive God's blessing and doors will open in your life that you never imagined.
Forget that because others are one way they will alter your life, they will if you allow it, believe me that if your life and Ter face are transformed, you will begin to see others differently, you will begin to change their lives also when you change yours, a change produces a transformation and that does not depend on others, it depends on you.
Change that way of thinking, stop believing that you depend on how others live and that they are to blame for your unhappiness, because it is not true, it is up to you to lead a life as you want, as you really want, the attitude of others will change when yours does, when you are different, others will also be different.
To be well only depends on you, leave to God any burden you can not carry, feel free, let God do his part and make yours.
Efectivamente, eso implica derribar muchas estructuras mentales que nos han amoldado a actitudes incorrectas, pero Poderoso es Dios para ayudarnos a transformarlas para mejor, buen tema