Opportunity is a walking trek accompanied by lermainan.Berpetualang need to be considered in the problem of life and the possibility of fatal accident.Therefore, the preparation practice for the repeater should be intensified examination of the terrain of the route should be noted
as much as possible.One of the explorations on the Beach ?.
Whatever benefit you get from browsing
Anything that needs to be prepared for the exploration.
Coastal exploration.
a. implementation of activities.
b. Rescue skills.
c.Food is healthy.Misuse of Drugs.
a.Macam Drugs.
b.How to overcome it.
c.Sangsi law.
Coastal Exploration:
Standard of competence.
Practicing exploration and rescue planning Activities in the Outdoor and the values contained therein.
Dangers of Drugs for health.
During this time many people or young people and also the parents have a lot of Drugs in the Community, should not need to happen because this drug is very dangerous for the health sipengguna itself. Or for the user's environment as well.
very beautiful, where is this place?