Conflicts serve to strengthen our spiritual life.


Conflict, properly supported, develops resistance. Enduring tests will develop character endurance and precious spiritual qualities.

The perfect fruit of faith, meekness, and love often matures best among storm clouds and darkness.

We live in solemn time. Important work must be done for the soul itself and for other people, so as not to suffer irreparable loss. We must be transformed by the grace of God, otherwise we lose eternity and destroy our neighbors with our influence.

Let me assure you that it is not Christ who provokes the struggle and the conflicts that we have to overcome in the fulfillment of our duty; Christ does not condemn us to self-denial and the sacrifices we must make if we want to be faithful to Him; they are not brought into our lives by any arbitrary, wild or useless decision; They are not the result of the hard life that He requires us to lead when we are in his ministry.

Our trials and experiences would be even more numerous and unbearable if we did not want to be obedient to Christ, but began to serve Satan and became slaves to sin.

This life is a struggle, we have an enemy that never sleeps and is constantly awake to destroy our minds and distract us from our precious Savior, who gave his life for us.

Spiritual experience is obtained only through strife, disappointment, severe self-discipline, through jealous prayer. It is necessary to move to the sky in separate steps, and each new step forward provides strength for the next.

I don't expect happiness once in the end. I get it on the way. Despite my trials and tribulations, I look at Jesus. He is with us in difficult and tight circumstances, and we can communicate with Him, place all our burdens on the Bearer, and say:

"Sir, I can no longer bear these burdens." Then he tells us: "My blessing, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)

You must know that the kingdom of God comes in a discreet way. The gospel of God's grace with its spirit of self-denial can never be in harmony with the spirit of this world. Do not adopt the principles and customs of the world.

Christians too often succumb to the influence of the world and accept its principles and customs to maintain friendly relations with the wicked, but these false friends will later be revealed to be the most dangerous enemies.

The Bible clearly teaches that there can be no union between God's people and the world.

"Don't be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you" (1 John 3:13).

Our Savior says, "If the world hates you, you must know that he hated me before you" (John 15:18).

If we want to strengthen our spiritual life, we must focus on fighting not to fall into temptations, to move away from conflicts, and not to empathize with the world, and learn from each day's experience.

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