Ask God for protection against your enemies. Psalm 140

in HeartChurch3 years ago

We know from God's word, that by the end of time, man's wickedness will multiply. Love will grow cold, so that no one will have mercy on his neighbor. Perhaps, we are not in the end times, however, the wickedness that is currently being lived, is so horrible, that it immediately requires that God provide us with protection against all those people who breathe hatred and evil against the servants of God.

In Psalm 140, David described such wickedness and said to the Lord:

Deliver me, O Lord, from the wicked man;
Deliver me from violent men
2 Who devise evil in their hearts,
Who plot strife every day.
3 They sharpen their tongue like a serpent;
the venom of an asp is under their lips.
4 Deliver me, O Lord, from the hand of the wicked;
Deliver me from the reviling men
Who have plotted to overthrow my steps.
5 The proud have hidden a snare and cords from me;
They have spread a net by the way side;
They have laid snares for me. Psalm 140: 1-5 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

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David pleads with God to give him protection and deliver him from wicked and violent men, who plot wickedness in their hearts, who live in strife and their tongue is like a serpent hiding poisons under it.
You can imagine that conglomerate of wicked and perverse people that David asks the Lord to protect him from. David's reality is no different from the one we live in today. People who do not have Christ in their hearts, live in contention and always seek to entangle God's children in their murmuring and disputes. We must flee from this environment and escape from all these wicked and perverse people who seek to divert the children of God from the right path of salvation.
There are many hypocritical and untrustworthy people that we cannot stay long with them. They are people who disguise themselves as sheep, but, in reality, they are wolves in the midst of God's people. We have to ask the Lord to protect us from all these wicked and double-faced people.

David sought God's presence to ask for prompt protection from his enemies. Continually seeking God's face will help us to be under his protection and protected from evil.

David recognized that in God's presence he felt safer and more confident of overcoming the evil one, so he said to God:

I have said to the LORD: You are my God;
Hear, O LORD, the voice of my supplications.
7 O LORD, my Lord, my mighty savior,
you have covered my head in the day of battle. Psalm 140: 6-7

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We cannot doubt that God is our powerful savior, who will deliver us at all times from those who seek to harm us. God will continually hear our pleas and come to give us his protection. God will cover our head with victory in the day of battle against our enemies.

David trusted God so much that he was very sure that God would not allow his enemies to have their way against God's servant. David said to God:

Do not grant, O Lord, to the wicked his desires;
Do not carry forward his thoughts, lest he exalt himself. Psalm 140: 8

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Putting our trust in God will help the Lord put our enemies in their place. David trusted God so much that he was sure that God would defeat the wicked. David put it this way:

As for those who surround me on every side,
The wickedness of their own lips shall cover their head.
10 Coals of fire shall fall upon them;
They shall be cast into the fire,
Into deep pits from which they shall not come forth.
11 The fool shall not stand fast in the earth;
Evil shall pursue the wicked to cast him down.
12 I know that the LORD will take up the cause of the afflicted
and the right of the needy. Psalm 140: 9-12

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While the wicked will receive the wages of their wickedness, the children of God, those redeemed by the blood of Christ, will rejoice in praise before God and dwell in the presence of the Most High with much joy and glorious songs of true praise before our God.

Surely the righteous will praise your name;
The upright shall dwell in your presence. Psalm 140:13

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 3 years ago 

We are promoting the use of our token, if you want to be a community member you must actively participate in Heart Farms and have a telos account.

Greetings apostle @darlenys01. God's blessings continue to cover your life, family and ministry. I inform you, we have tried to log in to both telos and Heart Farms and it has been impossible. My son @elisonr13, has communicated with you, however, he has reviewed the information you have sent him and still has some questions, which he will be sending you a message. I am sorry that many brethren from Cantaura have stopped posting on HeartChurch because of the same situation. I hope my son @elisonr13 can understand the procedure so he can then explain to us. Happy afternoon.

Me gusto mucho que nos recordar que necesitamos buscar de Dios.. "Buscar continuamente el rostro de Dios nos ayudará a estar bajo su protección y protegidos del mal." Siempre, siempre debemos buscar de Él.
Dios le bendiga y guíe hermano @elpastor.

Gracias mi hermana por sus comentarios. Saludos y muchas bendiciones para usted y familia.

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