Devotional: Increase your self-confidence through your own awareness in Christ.
Our past way of living without Christ was characterized by a life filled with many fears, negative thoughts, and self-rejection.
The negative mind wrapped us in a life of failures, devalued thoughts and we could not adopt a position of improvement, because emotionally we were trapped between fear, anguish and a bad image of ourselves.
Fear became the number one enemy of our lives and of our aspirations for success.
We really needed to generate a change in our thoughts and new directions in the emotional and acting way. It was required to leave the mentality of defeat and failure of the old man, and thus be able to enter a new dimension of a new creation in the hands of God, which would allow us to demolish fear and start the path of success with Christ in a new birth. .
The word of God teaches us and tells us: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things passed away; behold, they are all new facts. 2 Corinthians 5:17 King James Version (KJV)"
The mere fact of thinking negatively about ourselves caused us to reject ourselves, however, in Christ, things begin to generate important changes, where the word of God helps us to develop and build our own confidence, believing in what God he tells us in his promises.
The first thing that God teaches us is that we are his children, and this generates self-confidence in ourselves, by believing in God that we are his children.
We are no longer a common creature of the world, but now we are the children of God and this leads us to a change of mentality and acceptance that we are children of the King of Kings and Lord of lords.
When the Lord teaches us that we are His children and He our heavenly Father, this helps increase our self-confidence and strengthens our awareness of the reality that in Christ we have been constituted, true children of God.
We no longer think of defeat, but we say that in Christ we are always victorious and overcomers. We no longer retreat from obstacles, but trust how powerful our God is, to tear down every strength and barrier.
Increase your self-confidence by focusing your own awareness of who you really are in Christ Jesus.

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