Don't let obstacles divert your eyes from the goal
Then Peter answered him and said: Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water. 29 And he said, Come. And Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying: Lord, save me! Matthew 14: 25-30 King James Version (KJV)
Never take your eyes off the goal you are pursuing. Success will come after a period of perseverance towards the proposed goal. The obstacles will try to minimize your efforts to achieve your goal. Never take your eyes off what you are confident of reaching.
Peter set a goal to walk on the water and get to where Jesus was. The Lord said Come, Peter! Peter trusted that word of Jesus and soon saw himself walking on water. This seemed impossible, yet Peter was succeeding. Instantly, strong winds began to blow around Peter, which caused him to look away from the target, which was Jesus, and soon Peter began to sink into the waters crying out to the Lord to save him.
Sometimes I wonder, if Peter had not taken his eyes off his goal, he would certainly have achieved total success in his life and relationship with God. However, problems arose and caused Pedro to be filled with fear which prevented him from having victory over his objective.
The purpose of obstacles in the life of a successful person is not related to take him away from his goal, but to strengthen him and prepare him to continue on his way towards what he wants to achieve.
As discouraging as obstacles may produce, we must trust that God gives us the wisdom and strength to move forward and have the necessary success to overcome obstacles and reach the goal.
Keep your eyes on the goal you want to achieve and persevere until you have the totality of victory, this will make your success worthy of imitation for those who strive in life like you.

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Amen mi hermano, gran mensaje. Nuestra mirada debe estar fija en Jesucristo, a pesar de todos los obstáculos que se nos presenten.
Bendiciones de lo alto.
Gracias mi hermano por tus importantes comentarios. Bendiciones para tu vida y familia.