God is my help. Psalm 124

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Today, as Christians, we can say that if it had not been for the Lord and his mercies, we would surely be in dark jails, under the fear of misery and torment. However, God has been our prompt succor in the terrible moments of persecution by our spiritual enemies. Psalm 124 encapsulates the great message of God's help to the people of Israel in situations where their enemies surrounded them to destroy them. This psalm was inspired by King David, who wrote:

If God had not helped us, what would have become of us?
What would have become of us?
Everyone in Israel knows it!
2 If God had not helped us
when the whole world attacked us
3 they would have killed us all,
because our enemies
were very angry with us.
4 They would have destroyed us
like the overflowing waters
that sweep away everything in their path,
5 like the troubled waters
that destroy everything.
6 Praise God!
who did not allow those wicked men
to tear us to pieces with their teeth!
7 The snare is broken in pieces!
We have escaped
like the birds!
8 The creator of heaven and earth
helped us to escape! Translation of the current language (TLA)

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David makes a profound recognition of the majestic help that God rendered to the people of Israel when all their enemies surrounded them. David clearly states: "If God had not helped us, what would have become of us? This question is interesting, because it not only applies to the people of Israel, but it also applies to the Christian people, for we are aware that if God's hand had not delivered us from the satanic forces, surely, we would have been under the curse of sin, cast down and destroyed in every work of immorality. However, God in due time sent his beloved son Jesus Christ to break every chain and yoke of curse, and to provide us with freedom and salvation. We may now ask ourselves, what would have become of us if the Lord had not helped us through his Son Jesus Christ?
Every Christian knows that God's favor expressed in Christ has raised us to another level of life and hope, because in Christ there is no longer condemnation, but salvation and eternal life.
King David says that if God had not helped them, surely all their enemies would have destroyed them. This contains great truths, because when the hand of God does not intervene to save us, the enemy operates to cause destruction in our lives. It is necessary to recognize God's help at all times. David wrote:

If God had not helped us
what would have become of us?
Everyone in Israel knows it!
2 If God had not helped us
when the whole world attacked us
3 they would have killed us all,
because our enemies
were very angry with us. Psalm 124: 1-3

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David describes the terror and the strength of the enemy's fury as he tries to destroy the people of Israel. He makes a tremendous comparison with the devastating force of the waters when they overflow and sweep away everything in their path, in that way, it is the terrible force of the enemies of the people of God.
The Christian people cannot ignore that their main adversary walks around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. In this sense, the Lord warns us in his word that we must keep ourselves under his protection in order to receive his help. Let us not forget that the enemy is like troubled waters that destroy everything. David put it this way:

They would have destroyed us
like overflowing waters
that sweep away everything in their path,
5 like the troubled waters
that destroy everything. Psalm 124: 4-5

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With sincere gratitude we should praise God, because he always delivers us from our adversaries. David said to the people of Israel:

6 Let us praise God
who did not allow those wicked men
to tear us to pieces with their teeth! Psalm 124: 6

God will never allow the hand of our enemies to overtake and destroy us, but God will help us and provide victory over our adversaries. We should rejoice with all our heart and praise God continually, for he delivers us from the hands of those who pursue us to destruction. Praise is a permanent motivation of glorification and exaltation of God's power for our lives.

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What glorious words David expressed to manifest God's liberating power with his people, when he wrote:

The snare is broken in pieces!
We have escaped
like the birds!
8 The creator of heaven and earth
helped us to escape! Psalm 124: 7-8

It is wonderful to know that the only one who can help us escape from the snares of our enemies is the same one who made the heavens and the earth, "the Lord of hosts."
The Lord will always deliver us from the snare of the fowler and the way a bird opens the door of its cage to escape, in that way, God made us to escape from Satan. Glory to God with eternal praise.

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