God will repay your false accusers. Psalm 109

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Unfortunately there are people who do not value or appreciate your friendship, if you do them good, they return it with evil, and if you show them love, they respond with words full of hate. They are evil and lying people, who always speak ugly things about you. They spend their time slandering you and persecute you with words full of rancor, they forget the good treatment you have given them and fight against you for no reason. God will deal with them and will not be silent in the midst of the evil they plan against you. In Psalm 109 David tells us about this type of evil people and promises us that God will give the respective payment to those who without reason persecute and accuse us. Psalm 109 has 31 verses in which David is inspired to ask God for help to get rid of his accusers. In the first verses the psalmist writes:

God of my praise, do not be silent!
2 The wicked and lying people speak against me
and with their lies they slander me.
3 With hateful words they persecute me, and they fight against me without cause.
and they fight against me without cause.
4 I treat them with love, and they answer me with hatred.
but I continue to pray for them.
5 I do good to them, and they return me evil;
They treat me with hatred, but I love them. Psalm 109: 1-5

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David was indeed a much persecuted and slandered man. His enemies had no pity on him and always opened their mouths to speak evil of his life. In his petitions David wanted that to all his persecutors and accusers, there would also appear someone who would give them the same payment that they intended with David, so David wrote from the depths of his heart in relation to his enemies:

Let an unjust judge judge him!
Let the wicked condemn him!
7 May he be found guilty!
May his prayer reveal his wickedness!
8 May his years of life be cut short!
And may another take his office!
9 May his children become orphans!
May his wife be left a widow!
10 May his children be homeless!
And let them beg for bread far from their ruins!
11 May their creditors take away all their goods!
May strangers rob them of their possessions!
12 May no one have pity on him!
May no one have pity on his orphans!
13 May no trace be left of his descendants!
May his name be blotted out from the next generation! Psalm 109: 6-13

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In the midst of all the persecution and accusations that David's adversaries made against him, David prayed to God for help and support, reminding the Lord not to forget the wickedness committed against him by the fathers of his enemies. David asked God not to overlook the wickedness that his enemies committed against him. To all those whom David helped and who turned against him, David said to God:

LORD, do not forget the wickedness of his father.
Take into account the sin of his mother!
15 LORD, do not overlook his wickedness!
And blot out his memory from the earth!
16 Because he has forgotten mercy
and has persecuted to death
the suffering and brokenhearted wretch to death.
17 Since he loved the curse, let him be accursed!
He despised the blessing, may he never be blessed!
18 Evil enveloped him like a mantle
like water, it penetrated his whole being;
like oil, it penetrated him to his bones.
19 Let evil wrap him up like a cloak!
and may it cling to him forever like a girdle.
20 So may the Lord repay those who accuse me
those who slander me and seek my harm! Psalm 109: 14-20

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While David asked God to deal harshly with his enemies and accusers, he also asked for different treatment for himself. David told the Lord that because of his accusers he had to fast and that he was so weak because of his fasting that he asked God to have mercy on him because he felt weak in the midst of his distress. David's prayer to God was very deep and heartfelt, David said to the Lord:

But you, O Lord and my God
treat me well for your name's sake!
By your goodness and mercy, save me!
22 I need you, for I am in great distress;
my heart is deeply wounded.
23 I feel that I am dying, as the day is dying;
I am shaken like a locust.
24 My knees are bent because of fasting,
I am so weak that my body faints.
25 I am an object of derision to the people;
Those who see me shake their heads in derision. Psalm 109: 21-25

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David teaches us that in the midst of any persecution and accusations made against us, we should turn fully to the Lord and ask Him with a sincere heart, what we want to be done against those who accuse us mercilessly. We know that in the Scriptures, the Lord commands us to love our enemies, however, when they persist in destroying you, the ideal is to deliver them into the hands of the Lord and He will take care of them. We should not hesitate to ask God for help and speak to Him with sincerity as David did:

Lord and my God, help me!
by your great mercy, save me!
27 Then they will know that this comes from your hand
and that it is you, Lord, who has saved me.
28 No matter how they curse me, bless me!
They may attack me, but they will be put to shame,
but this servant of yours will rejoice.
29 Cover those who criticize me with shame!
let confusion wrap them up like a cloak!
30 I will praise you, O Lord, with great joy;
I will sing to you in the midst of a great multitude.
31 For you defend him who has nothing
and deliver him from those who condemn him to death. Psalm 109: 26-31

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