Why submit ourselves to rulers and higher authorities? "1 Peter 2: 13-21"

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Many Christians go about the world with a very erroneous knowledge regarding the subject of submitting to earthly authorities. Some Christians, I have heard them say, "I do not submit to men but to God." However, the word of God gives us the command to submit to higher rulers and authorities, simply because it is God's command and it is His will that we do so. When Satan rebelled against God in the heavens, he took God's authority and produced such a heavenly chaos that God had to bring order and cast Lucifer and the third part of the fallen angels out of God's glorious kingdom because of their rebellion. The authorities and rulers are placed by God so that there is order in the human creation and respect and discipline is maintained. The apostle Peter wrote:

Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority, whether it be to the king as supreme authority, 14 or to the governors whom he sends to punish those who do evil and to recognize those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good they should put to silence the ignorance of the foolish. 16 That is to act as free people who do not use their freedom to conceal evil, but live as servants of God. 17 Give everyone due respect: love your brothers, fear God, respect the king.18 Servants, submit yourselves with all respect to your masters, not only to those who are good and understanding, but also to those who are unbearable. 19 For it is commendable, out of a sense of responsibility before God, to endure hardships, even if you suffer unjustly. 20 But how can you give yourselves credit if you put up with being mistreated for doing wrong? But if you suffer for doing good, you are to be commended before God. 21 For this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, giving you an example that you should follow in his steps. "1 Peter 2: 13-21"

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Submitting ourselves to earthly authorities has a motive, which Peter precisely says is "for the Lord's sake". God is a God of order. The Lord does not like chaos or disorder, simply because he is a God of peace and his kingdom is based on love and peace. Whoever goes against peace and harmony is disorderly and a child of darkness. God teaches through Peter, that human authorities are precisely to punish those who do evil and to recognize those who do good. If you are a person who is founded on the principles of the Law of god, you have no reason to fear the human authorities, but, if you are a person of evil deeds, the weight of the human authorities, will punish you severely. Peter said:

Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority, whether it be to the king as supreme authority, 14 or to the governors whom he sends to punish those who do evil and to recognize those who do good. "1 Peter 2: 13-14"

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God's will for the Christian people is that they practice good, because by doing good, there is nothing to fear from the rulers. The practice of good obliges the foolish who always try to accuse the children of God to be silent. Doing good as God commands determines man's true freedom from the roots of evil. If we want to act as free persons, let us simply do good, in order to be free from all evil and not to walk in fear of human authorities. Christians must live as servants of God, giving due respect both to their brothers in the faith and to those who enforce earthly laws.

15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good they should put to silence the ignorance of the foolish. 16 That is to act as free people who do not use their freedom to conceal evil, but live as servants of God. 17 Give to everyone the respect due to him: love the brethren, fear God, respect the king. "1 Peter 2: 15-17"

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Submission to the authorities, not only includes rulers or people who have judicial positions, but the Lord commands Christians to respect the authorities of the places where they work or perform some office. Peter says, "submit yourselves with all respect to your masters", it does not matter if these bosses are of good or bad character, what God orders, is that there is a submission according to the respect that this authority deserves. When we submit ourselves to the authorities where we work, be it at work, school, university or any other organism of society, we must do it with a sense of responsibility, as the apostle Peter points out:

18 Servants, submit yourselves with all respect to your masters, not only to those who are kind and understanding, but also to those who are intolerable. 19 For it is commendable, out of a sense of responsibility before God, to endure hardships, even if you suffer unjustly. "1 Peter 2: 18-19"

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If we are punished by human authorities for doing good, the Lord teaches us that this punishment will be transformed into praise before God. If, on the other hand, we act haughtily because of unjust punishment, it will not please God at all. The Lord wants us to learn from His Son Jesus Christ, who was unjustly punished for doing good. If Christ suffered for us by doing good, we should bear the punishment in this way so that we may follow the example Christ has given us.

But how can you give yourselves credit if you endure being mistreated for doing wrong? But if you suffer for doing good, you are to be commended before God. 21 For this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, giving you an example that you should follow in his steps. "1 Peter 2: 20-21"

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